
Friday, September 5, 2014

Crazy, Scary Week!

Oh my heck this is the craziest week. Nobody told me that my visa trip is this week so i didn't pack any clothes, thinking that I would only be in samara for one day but.... no. I will be here til friday. my visa trip is to latvia on wednesday and I have no underwear, hahaha but the sister training leaders gave me some of their extras. (they were new)! angels i tell ya

The scariest/ funniest thing happened the other day. Sister C and I were out contacting, and we were having a really meaningful conversation with a lady about the book of mormon when all of the sudden.... this russian guy comes out of nowhere and interrupts the conversation by saying "you're mormons!" so of course we turn our attention to him, because not very many people in russia know about mormons. We asked him how he knew, and he said "south park." GREAT, just what I wanted to hear. NOT! But we turn around and the lady left into the building we were infront of. Anyway, we start talking with this guy whose name is "J" who is 26 years old. He was so annoying and thought he was hot stuff and made us follow him home. So, we were walking with this guy because he kept asking really thought provoking questions about our church. Then, we got to his flat and he said "come in!" and we said we're not allowed unless there was another woman with us. He started asking about other rules we have in our church, and sissy C told him "oh we don't smoke, we don't drink etc etc and we don't have sex until we're married." and then he said... "let's get married then." K BYE! creepiest. Sister Coleman and I had a glimpse of hope though because he had so many good questions, so we told him we would return in the hour with our member friend, "I".

We return to his house, and he starts making tea. We open with a prayer, and just start talking about the restoration and he was being so rude and kept saying "Da da da da da da da da" (yeah yeah yeah) over and over as if he was listening. He would change the subject and it was getting really late at this point. I got so filled with the spirit and said VERY sternly, "DO YOU EVEN WANT TO FIND TRUTH IN YOUR LIFE?!" ANd he said, well da of course I do. So then we continued talking. We got up to prophets and how they have authority from God to do ordinances correctly like baptism. Then, his dimeanor changed. I saw this evil darkness fill his eyes as he started talking about the provoslovni religion here in russia and how we are a "Sect" etc.. It was really scary, especially because it was 9:15 and we have to be home between 9:20 and 9:30. Well, we closed with a prayer and hurried to get out of the but the front door was locked. And he wouldn't let us out. SO SCARY! and then he started pelvic thrusting the air and it was getting so creepy in there. He finally opened up the door and we RAN down then stairs.

And then the unthinkable happens. HE STARTS CHASING AFTER US! It was funny at first because he started jogging alongside us, but then he started saying things like "I need to know where you live." Sorry, you really don't you creepidy creep! Anyway... long story short... this guy followed us ALL the way by where our house is. We decided we were going to be late getting in rather than having him know where we live. So, we were with that member "I" and we were out until almost 9:50 because this guy wouldn't leave us alone. He was saying things about how our church is a lie and how it's evil and I got soooo welled up with the spirit and I prayed the most sincere prayer and said, "heavenly father. This man NEEDS to leave, and I pray that with your priesthood to demand him to leave." and when I closed my prayer, "J" just started walking away, without saying another word.

It was a testimony to me that Heavenly Father hears our prayers, and he will send us help INSTANTLY as we ask for it and as we have faith. I know that I am protected here from evil and from danger, and I am so grateful to heavenly Father for keeping me safe!

Now, the miracle for the week: "A" GOT BAPTIZED YESTERDAY!! I never thought that I would feel so much joy seeing others come back to the fold of christ. He is 14 years old so it's way awesome. As he was getting the gift of the holy ghost, in his blessing he was told "Heavenly Father wants you to know that he sent you here to earth to preach his gospel. To serve a mission.." and then other things I didn't understand (russian, it's crazy I tell you what.) It was just such a blessing. We asked him how he felt, and he said "my knees feel weird. They're tingling" There you have it brothers and sisters.... the holy ghost can make your knees have tingles! haha. It was a great day, and it strengthened my testimony that this gospel is true. I just want everyone to know this message of truth! ahhhhhh

love you all i am so sorry this email is kinda short but I have a lot to do today i love you all so much. Thanks for writing me always and showing me love!!

love hayster

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