
Monday, September 8, 2014

A Trip to Latvia

Soooo let me just take a second to thank...

RY GUY AND KATH! (Ryan Relyea and Kath Pendleton) Thanks for your letter you sent me! I miss you angels soooo much! I love you both and Ry, i read the concecrated missionary talk and, it's pretty much the best so THANKS! I pray for you both everyday. 

Thanks Charlene duncan for the card, it means a lot to me to know that you and all my lovely people from the ward didn't forget about me when I left! ALSO Thank you my singles ward for sending me the card. hhaha too funny.

I HAVE A NEW COMPANION! Sister Mckell who lives in spanish fork. well.... her family does. Whenever people on the streets here ask us where she's from she says washington since she grew up there.. GOT SOMETHIN AGAINST UTAH I GUESS! haha i love her. She's such a little humble sweet gal and she's a lot like you WHITNEY (ps whit you should WRITE ME. and you too, cami. I miss my sisters!) Anway she's the best and I'm the luckiest to have her as my companion.

So I was in lativa the other day. We had to renew our visas, and NOBODY told me I had a visa trip so I had no clothes, nothing. I was preeeetyyy smelly at the end of the week. Anyway, IT WAS BEAUTIFUL IN LATVIA! Their airport s something straight out of Portlandia. Hahaha seriously. BUt it was the cutest thing I ever saw. It's way nice. 

We had the scariest thing happen. We were at the Moscow airport after having been in Latvia and there wasn't a stamp on our passports proving that we had been in Latvia apparently?? Super confusing and I really am the worst at explaining things haha. Well, the people at the airport took our passports and had a bunch of questions. We waited almost an hour to find out if everything was okay. I was scared to death. I prayed so hard the whole time that everything would be okay and that we wouldn't get kicked out of Russia. It was really scary because just the thought of having to leave really made me so sad and sick. Here's the cool part- it really was an answer to my prayers though because lately I have been praying to love this work; to love being a missionary; to love being here in Russia. Well, after all the stress of not knowing whether or not we would make it back to samara, heavenly father answered my prayers once I found out everything was clear with our passports. I felt the spirit tell me, "you don't need to be told you love your mission, because you know you already do." And I realized it: I love being here. It is just sooooo difficult sometimes to do what we do day after day but I came to realize from this experience, that heavenly father hears our prayers, he knows our hearts, and he knew that that crazy experience would really strengthen my love and desire to be here. 

Moral of the story. YOU GUYS. HEAVENLY FATHER KNOWS YOU. YOU, SPECIFICALLY. He knows your doubts and concerns and the best part is, is that you don't need to feel those because christ already did. He has felt it all so just rely on him and his atonement and turn to him when like gets hard. Even when it doesn't get hard and when it's easy. PRAY, because he hears you and he loves you.

Anway, It was super scary to be detained at the airport.. BUT hey now I have a cool story to tell my grandkids "GRANDKIDS, GATHER AROUND. BABA HAILEY HAS A STORY TO TELL." But really. I'm going to be full of stories by the time I'm done herer. 

 Now, something to make you all laugh. Last night we talked to this lady on the streets and she was telling us about how her mom who had passed away visited her in a dream and told her to buy milk. So she buys milk and goes to her moms grave to visit that next day, and she had a feeling to bring the milk with her, so she did. THEN, at her moms grave this FAT ALLLLL white cat comes out of NOWHERE and so the woman gave it the milk and it ate it. Then she said, "I know that cat was my mom." hahahahahahahaha Russians, for you. SO hilarious I almost died laughing BUT instead I was like "WOW! Do you feel that was god talking to you?" and she said yes, then I said, "Well God still speaks to his children today, and he speaks to his prophet on the earth!" then talked about the restoration. I guess you could say I'm pretty smooth at transitioning disscussions about cats into the gospel.... haha but it's cool because she wants to meet with us to know more later this week.

I love you all, my beautiful friends and neighbors. I even love you too, people who read my blog who don't really know me... this shout out is for you. YOU'RE THE BEST! haha but really. fam, friends, i love you and miss you most. I can't believe erin berg gets home from her mission so soon! and madi bernson! DANG where does the time go! I can't wait to see those gals again, i sure miss them. Just like I miss you all. You're the best! LOVE YOU LOVE YOU!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY BONNIE AND BRENNA! My two B gals! Love/miss you like CRAZY and I hope you have the happiest birthday! 

love sissy hayster 

latvia from the sky

 me and sister mckell

she's the cutes!

sister g. sister mckell just finished training her and.. she's so different now. IN THE BEST WAY! she's way happier. it's cool because we got along great during the visa trip. she even wrote me the sweetest note about how i have charity! she's doing great

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