
Monday, June 30, 2014

Conquer your mountains

I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for your emails  to me.Thank you! love yall!!!
i love russia it's so great. So stormy and divine. Seriously the loudest thunder you will EVER hear is heard here. Russia is also home to some of the strangest FUNNIEST, annnndddd creepiest men on the earth.

Example number one- We went to visit a baba (babushka) from our branch. She is the sassiest funniest lady. Anway, we bring her treats when we visit and we were buying ice cream. This man standing in line next to us was like "I CAN SPEAK ENGLISH" so we asked how he knew english and he said he studied. He is about 37 years old. SUPER nice right? Didn't think anything of it. We gave him our info and told him about our english club we have and he said he would come. The next morning we get a text: "hello not to sister coleman but to sister twede. How are you doing?" we didn't text back until the next day because we were so busy. We responded oh, we're good thanks." and then he texted... "I HAVE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH SISTER TWEDE." uUHUHUHUHHHH so uncomfortable. We didn't even text him back. I hope he doesn't come to english club. 

WHILE at english club, this man that is obsessed with sister coleman brought her a flower. HAHA hilarious she was like.. uhhhhhh thanks. And then we gave it to elder graf because he wanted it. Super hilarious

This week has been one for the books. My emotions about being here have been all over the place. I literally feel like a rag doll it's so insane and so awesome! We have seen so many tremendous blessings here and I'm sooooo grateful that I get to witness miracles every day. Both sister Coleman and I have had this feeling and this idea to just sing hymns to people. It's hard because in russia if we just sing on the street it is reaaallllllly offensive to russians because they are having to listen to it even if they don't want to. Anyway, so we went to these domes. They are little houses with dirt roads. Some are really scary and old and others are just precious and have lovely dainty gardens. anyway, we walked past this family that was gardening. We stopped and asked "Hey can we sing to you.?" they were like no.... that's so weird." and we said "no! it's not weird! we promise it'll be good." and the man was like "K! Go ahead!" and we sang. Right when we ended the song "nearer my god to three" it was literally like their hearts melted. They instantly said, "Come in! look at our garden!" So we did. The little daughter was so cute and gave us all of these berries. They have yellow raspberries here and they are literally the most tastiest little nuggest I ever had. We both felt prompted to leave them the book of mormon so we did. We also talked to them about our beliefs too and the mom was so engaged. We stayed for about an hour and had to go so we could knock more and the mom and dad AND daughter were like "COme back next week!" SUCH A MIRACLE! People aren't like that here! So we KNOW that they felt the spirit. We are so stoked to go back this week.

The next house we went to looked like a house you would see in france. It was SO nice. The woman who lived there was picking berries from the tree in the yard and we yelled over her barking beast dog, "WE WANT TO SING YOU A SONG." She didn't even hesitate and came right out of her gate to listen. We sang nearer my god to thee again and she was ALSO melted and invited us in from the cold. (it's been so rainy and cold here.) anyway she let us in, fed us soup, gave us chai, and we talked about the gospel to her and her drunk daughter. We left them the book of mormon and they gave us their numbers and told us to PELASE come back this week so.. we will! Seriously it has been so cool to see how music and sharing our talents helps people to feel the spirit. SO ALWAYS SHARE YOUR TALENTS MY PEOPLE. Seriously. Heavenly Father has given us all individual talents not only to bring ourselves joy, but he has given us gifts to uplift and enlighten others. So don't EVER be embarrassed to hide your talents. Share them. Let em' shiiiiiine.

We had an experience where we were going to teach a lesson to a man named "D". As we were walking to our meeting with him, I felt this feeling that was really unnerving. I felt really cautious about meeting with Him that night and I didn't know why. I wanted to doubt that the feeling I was having was something other than a feeling of having our lesson with "D" because I want everyone to hear this message! However, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had. Sister Coleman and I pulled over, and prayed. We prayed for guidance because we were running short on time and had to cancel the lesson in time if that was what the Lord wanted us to do. We didn't receive any feelings on the matter, so we called  President Schwab.  He told us to go kneel in prayer and ask the Lord what we should do. I offered the prayer and asked Heavenly Father "If this is right to teach "D" tonight, then please cause our bosoms to burn." and we felt no feeling. I proceeded my prayer and asked, "If we shouldn't go teach tonight please help us to know clearly." we closed our prayer. Sister Coleman told me that she received the distinct answer, "no. Don't go." I likewise felt peace in our decision to not go when I asked Heavenly Father if it was wrong. We quickly texted him to let him know that we couldn't meet tonight due to our power being out. (it was true! our power went out!) We didn't hear a response from him, but both sister Coleman and I felt at peace with our decision. 

We ended up knocking domes that night. We didn't know why we had the prompting to not meet with "D", but we trusted in his word. there are two choices that any decisions come down to in life. That is to 1)trust God and follow his word or 2) to not. This principle has never been more real to me than it has been on my mission. "D" ended up coming to church on sunday and stayed for the three meetings. He seems more interested in getting to know the both of us rather than our message. He did however, tell us that he felt warm during church. This week we are going to meet with him and have the Elders come with us to teach him more about what we know and believe. Hopefully we will be able to help him know that warmth he felt was the Holy Ghost.

We pray for miracles every day and we see them! We prayed one day to specifically meet two young girls who have questions about where we came from, and who are ready to hear the gospel. We met the two girls and the spirit testified to us both times that these were the girls that we were supposed to meet. Funny because they were both named O! It was such a miracle. I know that Heavenly Father is just waiting to pour out his blessings upon this mission. I am so honored to be a part of the work here. I know that as long as we do our part to strive to be exactly obedient, we see the Lord's hand in this work and see miracles.

Yesterday I had a rough day. I realized at church that I do not understand this language. I realized how far from home I am and how foreign this all is. I just so happened to get a letter from my old young womens president SHOUT OUT TO LANA JONES!. In the letter, she told me the story about Joshua and Caleb when they went into "the land flowing with milk and honey." Numbers chapter 13 and 14. GO READ IT! super good.

 She testified to me that just as the 12 men Moses sent out to scout out the land went out with "being of faith/strength and courage" that I should too. The 10 men became scared when they realized that they needed to go and take possession of the land there because the people there were giant and of greater strength than they. I don't remember who said this, Joshua or Caleb, but they said, "Lord give me this mountain." I know this is a very abridged terrible translation of the story but it really comforted me. I said a prayer and asked the Lord to give me this mountain.  I felt so much peace and comfort. I then went and read the story for myself. I know that with the Lord we CAN do ALL things! HEAVENLY FATHER IS THERE PEOPLE. He hears YOUR prayers. He WILL help you in your challenges.

 I know that I have no need to fear these "giants" in russia because The Lord will help me. The Lord is waiting to give us His blessings, just as he did Caleb, Joshua, Moses, and all those who came to the land of milk and honey. The church is true, and I know that the Lord has given me this mountain to climb. The times I feel down here, I will think of this story along with thinking of my savior to help pull me through the rough patches.

Hevaenly Father has invested SO much in each of us. Never forget that truth. Share your talents, conquer your mountains, and become the people he has designed you to become. I know we can do it with his help! 

Love you all. XO hayster sister twede

prettiest vines
eating sharma the TASTIEST armenian russian wrap things. Seriously the best!
Spooky ville! nah its so pretty and rad though huh?
eating sharma.. again. seriously you guys its the best thing ever.
 love my comp!
 nights in penza

Sunday, June 29, 2014

My Mission Address

Just in case you might like to send Hailey a letter, this is her address. I know she would love to hear from you! (:

Sister Hailey Twede
Vodnikov Street 95-1
Samara oblast 443099

Monday, June 23, 2014

ПРИВЕТ!!!!!! (HELLO!!!!!!)


My love for all you people back home grows every single day. AHHH i love you and i feel your prayers thank you so much. I hope you feel mine!

This week was nuts. We went knocking at these apartment buildings. Sister Coleman was telling me how she has seen so many naked people in Russia and that when she would see them, she would tell me not to look. Anyway literally seconds after ending that conversation, we knock on this door, and this OOOOOLD saggy babyshka opens the door and she is so sweaty and saggy hahahaha and she's in her bra and underwear. We we like... hi! we have a message about jesus! and then she shut the door. hahahaha too funny I could pee. And then i KID you not, the next door we knock on this little fairy girl in nothing but a towel. It's so funny. we ended up getting her number and we hope to meet with her this week. i hope she's dressed this time though... for her sake. Russian's have no shame! Every man that opens the door to us is shirtless with a beer belly every single time. haha welcome to russia. I seriously wish you could see how people just have no shame. It is the most HILARIOUS thing.

Something hilarious that happened too was we were visiting this old babyshka in our branch named baba k. She is SO fierce. I can't even handle it. haha too funny. She gives us chai and makes us eat bread with meat and it was so tasty. We had a spiritual thought with her. Sister Coleman has the prettiest singing voice, and I enjoy singing even though I am not the best and so we sang a hymn with her. Okay. Russians sound SOOO funny when they sing. They don't even follow the tune it's so much like black soul haha anyway baba katya was just singing soul and it was HILARIOUS so sis coleman and I started busting a GUT and crying from laughter because baba k just kept going and then..... baba katya yelled at us and told us that the devil was making us laugh and how laughing during a hymn is a sin. so she made us repent on the spot and it was so hilarious. russians are so supersticious. They think that you will be infirtle if you walk around barefoot.

We had a picnic with our branch on saturday. It was so fun! We went to a park by a river and ate yummy foods, and played games and I drew photos of people. They loved it! It was so awesome beacuse when I got set apart i was told that it was SUPPPPER important that I share my artistic talents and my music (???) talents with the RUssian people to bless their lives and uplift them. It was so funny because when I was drawing the members in our branch, those words came into my mind and it was so awesome because when I would give them their drawings they were just in awe. I really hope that it blessed them because their silly spirits bless me every time we get together with them! It's funny because they tried making the picnic at 8am! we were like... no. nobody is going to come. so we convinced them to change the time to 10. So they did! That's russians for you. 8am picnics. hahaha AHHH i love my branch seriously. Even though I can't understand them. They're all so hilarious and kind. I LOVE RUSSIAN PEOPLE. Everyday i realize more and more that these are the exact people that I am supposed to be serving at this time.

OKAY LAST NIGHT I MET MYSELF WHEN I AM AN OLD LADY! We went to visit the relief society president because she hasn't been able to come to church for a couple weeks due to her work schedule. She is about.. 68 and her name is F and she had the most amazing paintings everywhere. She is an artist and she just has this love for life and the gospel and it is so infectious! She grabbed me and held me and said "Our hearts are singing to each other! We were supposed to meet each other! Don't you feel all the color in your heart?!" isn't that so awesome? It's weird too because I cried yesterday because I felt discouraged because I don't feel like i am progressing in the language and I feel that my faith is being really tested. And then when we were visiting "F", the spirit testified to me and I felt heavenly Father tell me, "See Hailey? I do love you! I've put you in the path of people that you were supposed to meet." it was so awesome. Heavenly Father speaks to us ALL the time, we just have to have to ALWAYS listen for it so that we can hear. I love F though... and her apartment is so amazing ahhh i will take photos next visit. She is probably my best russian friend here. She is taking us to an art museum next pday! WOOWEE!! 

It was a magical week. We gave out several books of mormons! It is SOOOO cool to be a part of such a true work! AHHH LIFE! we are so blessed even when life is just hard. Last week we witnessed many many miracles where sister Coleman and I had to exercise our faith. Our lesson with a family fell through, so we were left far from our home not knowing what to do. We decided to pray and it was clear to us that we were supposed to knock on the domes we were by. We began walking. Each family and each person that we would talk to would turn us away. This happened about 12 times and I began to become discouraged. In that moment of discouragement, I decided to pray. I told Heavenly Father that we were here, right where he needed us. I told him that we knew for a fact that there was somebody who needed to hear this message so I pled for him to lead us to that person. I had faith and I knew that he would reveal this person to sister Coleman and I. After wiping a few tears from my face, we went forward. We saw this dome that was really closed off with fences. We rang the doorbell anyway and moments later a young man age 16 named "J" came to the door. We told him our purpose, and asked if he had faith. He told us that he used to be a believing person but that he wasn't anymore. The spirit was so strong and told us to give him The Book Of Mormon. We did so, and he told us that he was really excited to read it and he agreed with our testimonies and everything that we were telling him (everything the holy ghost was telling him through our mouths.) The next day we had a lesson on the restoration with Him. We brought the permission form for his mom to sign since he is only sixteen years old. (that's the rule... you have to get a signature from the parents in order to continue teaching lessons.) The lesson was so spiritual. He asked the most thought provoking questions and we were able to give him the answers. We could see the light in his eyes. YOU GUYS. THIS WORK IS REAL, AND THIS CHURCH IS TRUE. 

Sister coleman and I both felt prompted to invite him to be baptized and without hesitation he said yes! We were so excited! It was so an amazing experience to witness the spirit confirm truth to one of heavenly Father's sons. We gave him the permission form and he was worried that his mom wouldn't sign the paper. Sister Coleman and I left the lesson with a grateful heart and excited for the future. We both sacrificed things that we can't live without each day- candy, and gum. We sacrificed these things to show Heavenly Father how serious we were in our desire to get J's mom to sign his permission form. The next day, we called "J" to ask how his readings were coming from the Book Of Mormon. He sounded very discouraged when he told us that he hadn't yet read that day. It was strange because we asked about his mom signing the paper and he just handed the phone over to her... bad idea. We tried to tell her our purpose and how our message is true and how it blesses the lives of those who listen. She wouldn't listen and instead told us to leave her son alone since he isn't 18 and then hung up the phone. It was so hard. Sister Coleman and I were devestated. After lots of prayer we realized that we had to put our faith and trust in the Lord. In that moment it was so difficult to not doubt. But both sister Coleman and I felt the spirit comfort us and let us know that everything happens in the Lord's own timing. We know that "J" will come into the waters of baptism one day.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Even when you are doing all that you can. Even when you are being obedient, when you are making sacrifices, and you don't see the rewards of your efforts and when everything seems to go wrong in life, I PROMISE YOU RIGHT NOW that none of your efforts go unnoticed. The Lord is aware of each and every one of us, and he will make things happen in his own due time. PLEASE never forget that. Keep the faith and know that you are loved. I pray for you all every day. I love you so much!!!!! DON'T FORGET IT!

 я тебя люблю!!!!!!!!! Love, сестра hailey jane

 crab flavored chips. only in russia
 sun shining on me and my sissy coleman
 where our picnic was. gorgeeeeous
 Russian picnic cuisine
i was thinking of my hayd in this photo. sorry it's true

Monday, June 16, 2014


First of all...CAMI HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON THE 12TH!!! I would've emailed earlier but my whole schedule was messed up when i traveled for three days straight. I heard that you had a great day and I love you so much my sissy. I hope you got the card I sent you a while ago!!! you're the cutes.

Okay people. Penza RUSSIA. I love it here so much. The food is amazing, the people are so strange and hilarious, and i ADORE my companion. Such a blessing! Her name is sister coleman and she is from cali and we are best friends and I wanna squeeze her. She has been out for eight months and her russian is amazing and I hope that my russian can be as good as hers in eight months. I also hope that I can be as persistent as she is. AhAHAHA she chases after people sometimes. I love it. 

Also, I am not allowed to send photos of russian people home because it jeopardizes their jobs sometimes.(law to live by if we don't want to be sent outta russia.) SO. If I want to be able to send photos home that have russian people in it, you can't post them onto facebook at all. You CAN post it to my blog but you have to make my blog a private blog first. So just avoid that hassle and just don't post the photos I send home that have russian people in them. Got it? So just make my blog private first! and share the password to read it with the peple who you know and trust. But if that is a big deal then just don't post photos i send that have russian people in it. k? Thanks ahh i love you guys!!! ps i am not allowed to give the names of people.... so... I will just call them by the first initial of their name or just make up new names. SO sad i know. Silly russians are paranoid. OOOOOh and when we were in moscow the first day in russia, i saw PUTIN! nuts huh?! well, it was his limo. Our bus driver told us that it was him. He knew it was because there were four other  trucks surrounding the limo, and the fourteen police motorbikes/cars surrounding those. So... yeah. I've been 25 feet away from putin.. NBD.

My pdays are on mondays. I email home about... 11am here so like 10pm or whatever it is at home time. I can't believe we are on opposite sides of the world!! crazy.

okay so back to russia. 

I've learned SO many things this week. It really hasn't been difficult at all to adjust to this culture at all. I am so blessed to be here in Penza! I know I am supposed to be exactly here, and I know for a fact the Sister Coleman and I are supposed to be companions. I love her, I love Penza, and I am really loving the Russian people. ESPECIALLY THE MEMBERS!!!!!! THEY ARE AMAZING! So hilarious. 

so everyday  I pray that I can have faith in Christ. I pray that I can fully rely on Him and lean not to my own understanding. The times that I have doubts and fears, I remember what the spirit testified to me when President Uchtdorf visited us missionaries at the MTC for Easter. What he said will always stick with me. He said, "Be fearless! You have absolutely no need to fear. Be aware and never forget that you are literally walking with a member of the godhead (the Holy Ghost) so you have absolutely no reason to fear." I also cast out doubts and fears by thinking of all the profound spiritual experiences I have been blessed to have in my life. I also remember in those moments where I am, and why I am here. That knowledge helps me to be fearless, and to cast out my doubts and fears that come into my mind. I challenge ya'll to try doing that, to cast out your fears and doubts by thinking about all that you have. I promise it works!

okay okay you guys. I can't tell you enough...I LOVE Sister Coleman! She is everything that I prayed to have in my first companion, my trainer in the field. She is so obedient and is helping me also to be obedient. My mission president is HILARIOUS. we are supposed to call his wife sister schwab whenever we are sick and last night I was because I'm so stupid and petted a cat. I thought, "maybe russian cats are different!" so I pet it... and then... you all know. Allergy atTACK! Haha so i called sister schwab but she was busy so i told president schwab i couldn't resist the cuteness of the cat and he said "sister TWEDE! Don't you know? cats are to be KICKED, not PET!" hahahahahhaa he's the funniest human. I loved it so much. Anyway that just gives you a taste of how rad he is. Don't worry I am fine, my allergies went away once I took a benadryl.

It is unbelievable to me how many miracles I witness each and every day here in Penza. We have had so many amazing experiences this week as a result of our hard work, obedience, and faith. When visiting an old babyshka, we had to hurry back to an area where we had a lesson with a potential. We approached the train tracks to cross it, and the train came out of nowhere and decided to stop right where we were standing. We were frustrated because we were going to be late to our appointment, but waited anyway since trains are very unpredictable. While we were standing there, we noticed a woman so we decided to talk to her. She said "You are Mormons!" we were so excited she knew who we were. We asked how she knew about us and our church and she told us that she once read the Book Of Mormon all the way through. We couldn't believe it! We asked her what she thought and she said she didn't really know. We asked if she had prayed about it and she told us that she hadn't. She proceeded to tell us that she believed that there was some truth in all religions, and that she couldn't believe that the complete truth was found in one church. She told us her biggest question and problem about the book of mormon was about Lehi. She didn't know where he came from and how he came to be, so it was hard for her to believe. We didn't know what to tell her about that with our limited vocabulary, so upon listening to the spirit, we just testified to her that we know that the book is true. I testified to her in my broken Russian how when we read the book of mormon we find truth, comfort, personal revelation, and joy. We told her "L. Tonight, you are going to go home, and you are going to pray to know that this book is true and we promise that when you do, you WILL know." It was so spiritual. We gave her our number and church address, and we hope and pray everyday that she prayed to know the truth, and that she will contact us also. Right after testifying, the train started to reverse on the tracks which was very interesting to me. I have never seen that before. It moved out of our way and we were all able to cross the train tracks safely. I knew, and Sister Coleman knew through the Spirit that the train stopped for that very reason that we were supposed to meet L. It really strengthened my faith and my testimony likewise.

Another miracle occurred my second day here in Penza. We had a few minutes to go outside and testify once I woke up from my 2 hour jet-lag nap. (oops haha) When we prayed, I told Heavenly Father that we were going to find one person who really needed to talk to us. We told him that we would find that person and that we wouldn't go home until we did. We went out to the streets and began walking. Sister Coleman and I were laughing about something that we said, and we looked ahead of us only to find this tiny Russian woman about the age of 48 laughing with us.. which was really weird since that NEVER happens here. It turns out that the woman we met had once spoken to Sister Coleman on a bus years ago! Sister Coleman had given her a plan of salvation pamphlet. We asked her if she read it, and she had. We asked her thought and she proceeded to tell us that she read the whole thing and she believes that it is true. MIRACLE! This was the person that we told Heavenly Father we would find! We set up a meeting to discuss what she read for Saturday and she agreed. We got her number and everything was well. Saturday came, and she stood us up. But Sister Coleman and I know that she knows that it's true and we are praying that she will meet with us in the coming weeks. We thanked Heavenly Father for leading us to find this woman and we knew that it was through Him that we were able to meet her. 

I am doing very well right now. I feel tremendously blessed to have Sister Coleman as my trainer. She is my best friend here and we have so many good laughs. We are both so weird it's hilarious. 

  I love Penza, and I love the Russian people. The members in the branch are so awesome. I felt right at home at church which was so great because I couldn't understand them. Each and every day I have to consciously make the decision to avoid the temptation of being frustrated that I can't speak or understand these beautiful people. It takes work, but when I decide to avoid that temptation each and every morning the minute I get on my knees to pray, I see the blessings from that. I am already learning phrases and how to approach people, how to share my testimony, how to recognize the spirit, and how to just soak everything in just from making that little decision every morning. I know that all things are possible with Heavenly Father's help, and with the help of the Savior and the Holy Ghost as well. Don't ever forget that my people. God is real and is aware of each of us. I am so happy to be here! 

I love you all so much and I will send photos! i love you bye!!!!!!

 my russian breakfasts SO TASTY.
 me and my cute comp sister coleman
 our creepy photo of the tastiest bread! the butter here and juice here and bread are amazing!!!!!
 coolest clouds ever
 beautiful! by my apartment
 my cute apt!
just me

I have more time to write all of the sudden. Anyway, Traveling was so rough on my body, i have never been more exhausted in my whole life but i have never had more fun too. I love getting rejected day after day! because I know that I am trying my hardest and i go to bed satisfied.  and the times that we do meet people it's awesome! we met two girls that were painting plants and became friends with them. We are going to visit them soon.

we have a picnic with our branch this saturday! we are going to eat hotdogs! the picnic is at 10 am ... apparently they do that here? weird. Anyway they are super excited to have us show them how americans do it hahaha i love russians.

Everyday i want you all to make a decision to be happy. Wake up, pray to heavenly father, or just say to yourself: "Today I am choosing to be happy."  when you do this your whole day follows the pattern of happiness and it's so awesome! i have done this every day and it's been so cool to see how much it blesses me. 

Mom and dad I miss you so much. I loved talking to you on the phone! you have the most comforting voices. I can't wait to talk at chrimbus!!!!!! 

 Ruby it was so good to hear your voice! please hug and kiss my hayd for me when you get to see him this week!

all my girlfriends and sibs, i love you all tooooo omuch. i am so grateful that you are all my people. I don't know what I would do without you for reals.

MISS AND LOVE YU ALL AND I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M IN RUSSIA! I will bring you all prizes in about........ 15 months!!!

jesus loves you and so does heavenly father. Got it? good. don't ever forget it! all things are possible with them. i promise.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sister Hailey Twede in Russia

From Sister Schwab, Hailey's "Mission Mom", the wife of Mission President Mark Schwab

Greetings from Samara!!  Sister Twede arrived late last night and she's safe and sound.  We are so grateful to have her and look forward to getting to know her better.  We went to the airport and picked up her group of nine new missionaries.  We put them right to bed and then had a welcome breakfast this morning, prepared their registration papers, got them oriented and assigned them to their new companions.  They are now on their way to their new cities!!

Sister Twede's companion is Sister Coleman who is from Coto de Caza, California.  She is a very wonderful sister who speaks the language well and will be a great trainer for your sweet daughter. They will work in Penza, which is a nice city about six hours to the west of Samara. It is such a good branch.  We feel she will be very happy there.

Thank you so much for preparing Sister Twede to be a valiant, righteous daughter.  We can tell she has a strong personality and a great desire to be a missionary.  We are so happy she's here with us. 
Penza, Russia- Home, sweet home
 The nine new missionaries
 Cectpa Twede with Pres. Schwab and his wife
Cectpa Twede with her companion Cectpa Coleman

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Back in the USSR

I love you so much family! if you can post these on my blog i will be grateful. I am so happy to finally get to russia and i am so scared! i feel i don't know anything! anyway, i love you very very much and I am the most blessed to have you as my family. Thanks for the awesome package and for the awesome videos! I didn't even cry when I watched them! I love you all!!! dosvidanya AS THE beatles once sang, "I'M )HEADIN) BACK IN THE USSR YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LUCKY I AM BOYYYYYY BACK IN THE US BACK IN THE US BACK IN THE USSR!!"

 saying goodbye to the mtc and sister gish!!
 me creeping on this english investigator named Leah. She is so great
 my two pals here at the MTC
 squeezing my kelsey gish!
 so happy we got to say goodbye!
 she's the best
 goodbye district! but not really since we are all headed to samara
being russian with the district

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Week 9

So.. on monday i will be on a big plane in the sky flying to my new home for the next sixteen months of my life. I am so nervous! It's scary knowing that all that I am comfortable with and all that I know is just going to vanish for a little while. But that also is so exciting. Let me just tell you what- I am in LOVE with the Russian people already. On monday this week we skyped a Russian woman named cectpa hale. She is from russia, is about 54 years old, and she is a dream. We taught a lesson about how like alma the younger found joy from sharing the gospel, we as missionaries and members can feel that joy too by sharing our testimony with others. 

At the end of the lesson we committed her to share her testimony with two people and she was so stoked to do it. She was a member, I neglected to mention. It was so awesome though. I felt so full of love and I felt so uplifted. She bore us her testimony and I can't even begin to tell you..... When russians have a testimony, IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO THEM. She had one of the strongest testimonies I have ever heard, and I couldn't even understand every word that she said. I know that heavenly father called me to russia for many many MANY reasons that I will find out soon and someday in the future, but one of those reasons was revealed to me as I skyped cectpa hale. The strong testimonies the Russians have are a testimony to me that this gospel is TRUTH. I feel my testimony strengthen every time I speak gospel chat with russian people and I hope that one day my testimony can be as strong as those members that are over there. 

I have been really nervous. Remember when I was younger i had anxiety? and I would do this thing when i had anxiety where I would breathe really deeply and I felt like I couldn't catch my breath. Guess what's back with a vengeance? THAT SAME BREATHING THING! So annoying. But I know it is just anxiety and it will go away. I know this because once I have a new companion who is SO enthusiastic about getting out and sharing the gospel, and having a companion that really loves me, then I know that my anxieties will go away. I have a strong testimony that I learn to love, FAST. I hated the MTC the first three weeks. But now I seriously love it so much here I am not even ready to leave. I just know that will be the same thing each area that I serve in Russia. Shoot, it's coming so fast.

It was a MEGA BLESSING last night! We had the opportunity to hear from ANOTHER APOSTLE!!! hah nah just kidding. It was a member from the 70. He is called brother Schwitzer. I know it wasn't a coincidence that he came to speak to us either beacuse guess what? HE WAS A MISSION PRESIDENT IN YEKATERINBURG RUSSIA not too long ago!! He shared so many stories as did his wife. My favorite being this: "We were at a christmas party in Moscow. An elder was just fresh into the field and was with his companion who had been out for over a year. At the christmas party, the companion that was out for a year sat in the corner and read a grammar book. The one that was fresh into the field was speaking broken russian to every member and THEY LOVED HIM! They didn't care if he conjegated a verb correctly- because they could feel of his love. That same missionary had great success because he loved everybody and everybody loved him, and in turn the members helped him in the lessons. He loved his mission while the other companion just worried too much about mastering the language. In turn the members weren't too fond of him." 

attention earthlings: Russian's DON'T care if you can't speak their language. As long as you try then that's all that matters. PLUS, they have this really weird fascination with american people so hey..... maybe they'll like me just fine, we'll see. 

This helped me so much because i am STRESSIN about this language. I have so much to learn. I feel in a lot of ways that my growth in the language has been hindered because of all the crap (yes, crap. i know i sound dramatic but for realsssss) I have delt with with my companion. But at the same time, I have learned patience that I wouldn't have been able to learn ANY other way than from being companions with her. I seriously have so much patience that I know will help me in the field. That's the quality I have really adapted here too, as well as recognizing the spirit. Anyway, it was a really great talk and I knew that it was meant for us because I know that I don't need to stress at all. Stress is a waste of energy. everything will work out!

Today was my last time at the temple for 16 months. I got really emotional in the celestial room. Going to the temple really is like going home. I am going to miss the spirit in there. I had AN AMAZING experience in there where my prayers were answered. I prayed that I could be comforted and that I could receive revelation about what I need to do to be able to speak to the Russian people and to not be afraid. I had a lot of faith that my prayer would be answered from reading the scriptures. I flipped open to D&C 100. No lie. no coincidence. EVERYONE GO AND READ THAT RIGHT NOW!! it was so rad. It basically fits my circumstances to a T. such a chudo! (miracle) It talks about how the work is being spread to "the eastern land" (uhm...russia.) and how I don't need to fear because heavenly father and christ are always with me and they will fill my mouth with words if I just open my mouth and that the holy ghost will help my words turn to testify to the people I teach so that they may know this gospel too. I know the same is for you my dear people. I promise you that every time you have a question, you can ask heavenly father and then open your scriptures and I PROMISE that within 30 minutes your prayer will be answered. BUT you must have faith that your prayer will be answered. and I promise it will. 

That time has finally come. this is my last pday at the mtc. This is my last time being around what I love and what I know for 16 months. I just want to thank you all for ALL the love that you show me. From packages, to letters, to prayers which I can feel. Thank you all so much. I really couldn't have done this without you all. Each and every one of you. AH i love you all so much it makes me SICK! SICK I TELL YOU!!! 

Now. never forget this: Heavenly Father loves each of you. I know this because I feel and see his love for me, and I feel and see it in others. I know that he will never leave us alone, he will never leave us comfortless, and he will always ALWAYS be there for us. I challenge ya'll to pray when you have a question, have faith, then read your scriptures and within 30 minutes you will receive an answer. I know this because i do this at least twice a week and each time I receive help from Heavenly Father. WE are his children, it is up to US to love one another and exude enthusiasm and love for everyone. Why? Because life is just too hard as it is. laugh, love, and eat lots of oreos because when I do, I laugh and love because they're just so tasty. and also remember that we are never comfortless. We can always pray!

But seriously, I love this gospel. I love you all so much. Thanks for all you are and all you do. I can't wait to go meet my Russian people and find my friends I promised I would find! It's hard work but when you love EVERYONE, things aren't so hard anymore. I can't do this without the spirit and I know that he has been with me every step of the way.

Anyway, yes. I am so happy to be here. I am so happy to have so many blessings. You are all blessings to me and I can't wait to see you all in sixteen months. But until then.... Dos Vidanya pokoy! 

Love cectpa hayster
my teacher brat holt. He's such a gem! We had to say goodbye to him because he moved to NYC. But he brought candy in from his mission. It's the funniest typo ever. I am going to miss him. He's such a great human. haha POOPING CANDY!
 loving my shishter kline
some of our elders being backstreet boys. I just think it's hilarious. When you spend nine weeks at the MTC you start to think everything is funny, even stupid stuff like this hahaha.
 the borken glass+sis Gish
sister gish let us go have class outside and let us buy treats and drinks. well they don't have bottle openers here at the MTC so the poor elder choate had to kick the glass which ended up cutting him and this was the result. What else would you expect from russian missionaries? BLOOD.
 me and my teacher cectpa gish traded shoes for the day. SHE'S THE BEST I love her!
cute ruby and jon's package! raspberries! and roses and lollies and a cute magnent (i don't know how to spell anymore) I was in heaven.
 I have been craving them this whole time. I swear she can just read my mind!
 more raspberries! thanks so much seriously!
saying goodbye to cute president heaps. I LOVE THIS MAN. He is seriously an angel. 
Imagine bishop Egbert X10.

Monday, June 2, 2014

WEEK 8. is this real life?

So...... I have 12 days left here at the MTC.... and I never thought I would say that I never want to leave this place! I love it here so much. Its weird how foreign things can grow on you. I know that will happen once i go to russia. I have this suspicious feeling that my first area is going to be Tolyatti but, you never know! I only know of Tolyatti because that's where they make their Russian cars. Remember that BBC documentary mum n dad? and the naked bath house? hahaha russians.

what else is new.... I SAW ANOOOOTTTHHHHHER apostle last night. Russel M Nelson came! WHOOWEE! He is such a sweet little spirit. Oh i just love him. His wife gave the BEST talk about how we as missionaries forget one quality that we need to adapt. What is that quality? "DESPERATION." 

She just spoke about how we need to be desperate to find the Lord's children because when we are desperate, we see miracles. When we give all we can and can't give anymore, we become desperate and that's when the Lord takes over the wheel. AH it was exactly what I needed to hear because I feel a lot of times that I am not working hard enough. I feel that I am but I feel that Heavenly Father is like, "c'mon Hailey! You have so much more to give!" And it's true. I really just need to focus on becoming desperate in my studies, desperate in finding people to teach, and desperate for oreos. hahaahaha didn't see that one comin did you?

Anyway it was a really awesome talk. Then Elder Nelson spoke and it was really great. He spoke about how we don't need to worry about so much. He said that we are like car motors. We really can't fulfill our potential if we are just parked. So once we hit the ground running in our missions, we will be able to drive and just pick up the language and other skills necessary for missionary life. Something else that he said that I really loved was "True repentance is conversion, and true conversion is repentance." ANOTHER CRAZY THING. I have heard so many speakers (apostles and members of 70) say this phrase while here at the MTC, "Many of your missions will change before you complete your missions." So... apparently there is this big secret about new missions opening up and I am excited to see what happens because Russia is giaaaaaaanormous as you know, so they will probably make tons and tons of missions. Russians are taking over the WORRRRLDDDD!!!! 

OH MY WEIRDEST THING HAPPENED THIS WEEK!!! So my teacher brother froelich. You would all love him. He's the weirdest human. He served in the baltics. Anyway, COME TO FIND OUT, he went to snow the same time me and Hayd did! AND EVEN WEIRDER, is that he was a piano major and I have seen him perform several times because he would perform in the same concerts bonnie would! So weird. 

BON He was friends with spencer amndot. I totoally remember him now too. Anyway, we found this out because we were teaching him as the progressing investigator named anton, and I was showing him my photo album and I was like "eta mayo seemyoo" meaning "this is my mom, dad, blah blah blah" then all the pictures of my hayd came and I was like "Eta moi preeyatell!" meaning, this is my boyfriend! and he was just staring at his photo. and then he saw the picture of bonnie and was like WHAT?!!??!??!?!? Because they were friends at Snow! they were both piano majors. Anyway, SMALL WORLD HUH?! I told him that I was at the music building a lot because I would wait for Hayd to get out of class and he was like "yeah I am pretty sure I have seen/talked to your boyfriend before!" AHH the world is so small. Makes me so happy though. I'm the biggest freak when I find out that people know my Hayd... he is just the precious! 

I did sealings for the first time at the temple today with sister kline. It was so awesome. God really is a genius and so full of love. When I think of him, I get emotional because of all the love he has shown me and given me in my life. I thank him every day for each of you. I already see how much my time away on my mission is helping me to grow. The BIGGEST lesson i have learned here is PATIENCE. Seriously... i think we all know what i am referring to right about right now.

Mike and Spenc sent me a usb drive that record audio which was so rad! THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU TWO!!! AHHHH  It came from amazon and it's from china. The chinese translations in the instruction paper were HILARIOUS. my favorite part was "Keep away from the land of dust." hahaha uhm... yes. The land of dust. Beware! BEWARE. serisouly. I love yo guys. I think that I will try to send the audio clips i have made once I get to russia and the computers aren't psycho like they are here at the MTC. If the files are too big there too, then I will just fill up the USB and send it in the mail and you will get it a month later! then dump it and hopefully send back if it's not too pricy. you are so thoughtful. Thanks so much!

RUBY AND JOHN!!!! thank you so much for the package. I went to town on the muffins. You are the best! I can't wait to paint my toesies with that nail polish! AND it's like you can read my mind. I really have been wanting a portable brush to stick in my purse so thanks for making that happen! Thanks for the story in the card. I am working on adapting my views of life to be grateful for what I have. Because in the end, monetary worldly things don't matter. It's all about how we treat others and what we are doing to share our love! anyway, thanks for uplifting me. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!

MOM AND DAD. Gourmandise? Is that a sick joke? I feel so spoiled. I LOVE the earrings and I have been wearing them all week. I have been slowly savoring those treats all week. I can't believe how much you love me. Thanks for everything. For all of it! i love you. I havne't checked for the package today, but I will do that hopefully tonight. You're too good to me you know! thanks for figuring out my debit card situation. YOU ARE ANGELS I SAY! 

Can you believe 2 months are already gone in my mission? well... 2 months in 11 days. Time flies when you're having fun. This seriuosly is so fun. So exhausting, so hard. But so. FUN. I love stretching myself, and I love the testimonies of others that I get to hear all the time here. The cool thing is they haven't kicked me out yet! Ya'll know I'm a spazz. It's a miracle I tell you. A miracle. 

Not much else to report. Other than I love you all and I really am the most blessed of all the missionaries in all the lands! Thanks for loving me. For writing me, for sending me goodies, for helping me feel loved here at the MTC. I know you will all help me feel loved through the wavelengths of telepathy too once I get to russia. Don't even think about sending me packages unless you want your bank account to be 000000. (this excludes you Ben. you have priveledges hahaha) 

I love yo all so much! I will send photos now. Thanks for being the cutes! I admire you all. tserkov istinna! 

love sister cectpa hayster 
ran into my friend jeremy at the temple. He secretly went to say hi to his sister who is next to him. she is in texas now
 Sunday night with my best gal pals here!
 package from mama and papa!

singing russian hymns with my pals on sunday night. Cectpa mackey even ditched her spanish people! it's allowed though, since she's a solo sister.
 Ruby and John's package! 
 the roses bloomed!!!
typical m n cectpa mackey. It's so weird calling her that. Her name is ana and that's all i ever wanna call her these days.  love these gals!