
Monday, July 27, 2015

как мы можем помочь вам?

We're laying in bed and it's 11pm. When all of the sudden we hear............как мы можем помочь вам? (how can we help you?) in the CREEEEEPIEST robotic voice and it just started repeating itself after 6 second intervals. And by this point, sister Reed is on my bed and we're sitting there super creeped out. We got up cautiously, and went into the kitchen only to find the fire detector talking. HAHAHAHA Shoot dang we were freaked out for reals. Why did it start to talk? Because sister Reed decided it was a good idea to light a piece of paper on fire while I was showering. hahah She's a funny one, but I'm glad she did it because earlier that day our water was turned off all day.......... on my shower day. I went 3 days without smelling like a normal person. But long story short, they turned the water on just in time for me to shower before bed. But the smell..... probably the 2nd worst smell I've smelt in my life. That's why sissy Reed lit the paper on fire. haha it was really funny because we ended up getting spooked by the dumb smoke detector. 

This week went by really quick and slow too. Not too much happened unfortunately. We do NOT know what to do about "IR" right now. "IR" is the one woman that is 45 and she has the two young daughters "ZL" (7) and "LZ" (3). She had a baptismal date in june, but she got freaky and then stopped answering our phone calls etc. Well, on tuesday evening, "IR" called us and told us that she wants to be baptized soon! That was so awesome.  It was a huge miracle. We got to meet with her a couple times last week. I had a lot of faith that she was ready this time (she has had several baptismal dates, but then she gets spooked out and then gets all freaky and weird and then won't talk to us, and won't answer her phone or let us into her home when we call on the doma phone outside her apartment. Anyway, on Friday we had planned to run over to her house and have a lesson. It was a great lesson, and we talked about fasting. She told us that she wants us to go over every single day in order to help her get ready for baptism. So we called her on saturday, and she sounded SOOOO nice on the phone and said "okay! See you soon, take your time, we'll be here." We got there a tiny bit late due to traffic and such, and when we got there, her 7 year old daughter "ZL" was outside on the street. She then opened the door for us, and then walked up all the flights of stairs and "IR" opened the door, looked at us, and then turned her back to us. We walked in the door, thinking that we were welcome to be there, and all of the sudden, "IR" starts shoving me out of the door and saying "I have SO much to do right now! Leave!" Then she slammed the door. We called after her through the door, and then we heard the volume of the TV blasting, so that she wouldn't hear us. It was really frustrating  because she had asked us to come over every day in order to help her get ready toward baptism, and we were there to do so, and it was just a bummer because we had even called beforehand and she actually answered which she usually never does! It was hard not to be discouraged, but I chose to have faith in Christ and know that everything would be okay. We are not giving up hope on her, we just really don't know what to do because she really is bipolar or something. We are praying for her that she will still be able to be baptized on the 1st of August. No.... being the creeps that we are, me and sister reed went over to stalk "IR" (okay not stalk, we just wanted to see if she was home or not.) We went, and she wasn't home, but her 7 year old "ZL"  was outside playing with her little friend "PL". We got to play with them for a little bit and it was just so fun they're just the preciouses. "IR" didn't show up, but we were able to meet THE COOLEST family of another faith. A dad named "TC", a mom named "GL", and their young kids “R”, and “Z”. I think they're some of the nicest people here in the city. We were able to get to know them and they accepted the Book of Mormon! 

Not too many days before that we were on the streets talking with as many people as we could (i love contacting) When we approached this woman also of the same faith as that young family. Because we didn't have a lot of time, we were just walking home really quick and passing out family history website cards. We walked up to this lady, and tried to offer her a card, and then she just started snippin n snappin at us like a little pup saying "THIS IS JUST NO PRETY, YOU GOING UP TO PEOPLE AND JUST DEMANDING THEY TAKE STUFF FROM YOU... THAT'S JUST NOOOOOT PRETTY." Things got a little heated when I told her that we aren't here to be pretty. She and I both were mad, and it was just bad. I tell you this because some people are just really funny here and they say the funniest things, like this one time a teenage boy was looking us up and down and up and down and then he said "Ew. What are you, from the 18th century?" YEAH WE ARE! It was great. I love the homely skirt life #homelyskirts4lyfebrothezandsisterz. 

On the other hand, people are just the dang sweetest. Last monday evening me and sister Reed were having a rough time and I was frustrated and she was too so we took a time out on a cement block. By the end of our chat, we only have an hour and a few minutes to work. But while we were sitting on this cement block, not in the best of moods, Heavenly Father is just the BEST and sent to us this little bohemian angel named "NT". She walked up to us, and after we said hello, she started speaking to us in english! It was really cool. She is 20 years old and she was just in the neighborhood waiting for her boyfriend to meet her there. While she waited, we talked with her. She really enjoys other religions and studying about them. We told her all about the Book of Mormon, and she looked us in the eyes, and told us "That is really amazing. I really respect you for sharing your beliefs with us Russians." Then we gave her the Book of Mormon and she said that she would start reading. It was just a tender little mercy from the Lord letting us know that it's all going to be okay! Ps she hand made her purse and it was divine and she said she would make us purses too. So we're stoked for that.

Later that night  we went over to this kooky woman that we met named "VL". We met her in front of her house as she was just sitting with her friends. She is 63 and is super cute and fun. We turned the corner and saw "VL" walking into her apartment after finishing up a heated conversation with one of her neighbors. We called her name several times, and she heard us! And she ushered us into her apartment along with her. We walked into her bedroom with her, and we saw the book of Mormon just lying open on her bed that we all sat on. She turned to us "Girls. The Book of Mormon is true. Joseph Smith was a prophet and Moroni another prophet guided him to the hill Cumorah to get the gold plates and with Gods help, Joseph was able to translate the Book of Mormon, and then there were several people who got to be witnesses of the gold plates and now we have the Book of Mormon." ...................................................My jaw fell out of my head. I couldn't believe what I heard!!!!! Isn't that crazy? We were able to teach her the restoration that night and invited her to be baptized. She declined because she's proveslavni, and doesn't understand quite yet that the authority to baptize is only in this Church. But, we have faith that her heart will be softened as she continues to read the Book of Mormon and that she'll get that desire to be baptized. She's such a treasure.

We ended up going back there to see her a few days later, but she wasn't home. But guess who was on the street? "LD", "VL"'s friend! The other kooky lady with the crazy decked out garden. She said "Girls I've been reading the book of mormon and all about Nephi and his family." OKAY so many miracles. We were able to go into her house too and look at her photos (old russian photos are the dang coolest!) and she told us that she wants to quit smoking, so we will be helping her with that. She's a gem, and it turns out that dog of hers..... Lucia..... yeah she found her in the woods last year. hahhaha what a gem, am I right? 

Quick story. We were on a bus to district meeting in downtown samara. We were talking to some people about how we are here as missionaries and then get this: this one woman who was listening actively to our conversation but wasn't engaged in the conversation threw her business card at us and said "Please call me soon!" THAT NEVER EVER HAPPENS! So of course we gave her the book of mormon and her face lit up and she was grateful for it. And guess what? We are meeting with her tonight! We're stoked. He name is "VT". 

Have you ever made a really really stupid mistake like me? The other day I went into the bathroom to pray (in privacy) and while I was in there praying, I fell asleep and woke up an hour later. This seems really harmless, I know. But as missionaries we have a really strict schedule we follow and I just wasted an hour because I fell asleep. I felt really bad so I called president Schwab and told him all about it. He laughed at me because I was crying about it (I felt bad, okay?!) And then we had a great chat about the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

A verse I love from Matthew 11:28,30 where the Savior calls to us saying "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest... for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

Sometimes, all I want is rest... if that's not obvious enough by me falling asleep on the bathroom floor. President Schwab discussed with me how man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. He looks at our desires, and judges us from that. I realized "okay, I went to the bathroom to pray" that's the desire of my heart, to talk with God. But because I'm not perfect I accidentally made the mistake of falling asleep. I won't be judged for that! Because God knows the desires on my heart, and He knows the desires of yours too. And though we make mistakes at times, sometimes our mistakes are more serious than falling asleep when we should be studying russian. But no matter the mistake, we can be understood by our Savior. And as we turn to Him not only with our sins, but also our inadequacies, our weaknesses, our discomforts, though His infinite grace and mercy we can be forgiven, we can become adequate, strong, and comforted because His yoke is easy and His burden is light. I love Christ and I know he compensates for all the times we fall. 

I really love what Elder Bruce C. Hafen said in 1997 in his talk "Beauty for Ashes". He said "Because we lack the power to compensate fully for the effects of our transgressions, we are utterly dependent on Christ for ultimate restitution, no matter how earnest our repentance."

We really are dependent on Christ. We can only do so much, and we have the tiniest puniest effort that is so insignificant in comparison to the divinity, and power of Christ's atonement. I know this is true. I know that the Atonement covers not only sin, but also mistakes, disappointments, adversity, heart-ache, and misunderstanding. Christ can purify and sweeten and strengthen our hearts IF we let him.

Call to him! He hears you. He loves you.

In the end, President Schwab said "Alright sister Twede... I have a favor to ask of you. Next time you go to pray, pick somewhere comfier than the bathroom floor so if you fall asleep it'll be comfier." hahahaha I LOVE him. I love my mission, I love Christ, I love Russia, and I love you!

Love you all. 

Love, sissy T (or as my pal elder peterson calls me "SIST.")

mmmmmmm sist. 


selfie with this dang cat
The view from a member's backyard.
me and sissy Reed
who does this cat thinks he is, a human?
she loves it 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Honey Dubs

WHAT A WILD WEEK! Yes, we are still eating crepes everyday. How could you not? Sister Reed is the dang pal and I love her. We had such a great week. To our surprise on monday, as we wrote home at the dunns, they came home from shopping at the Russian equivalent to Costco (called metro) and gave us.............. REAL AMERICAN BACON!!! So that was just too good. Also, mayyyy or may not have found out from the Dunns my flight plans. Turns out that I fly with them all the way to L.A.X and have a 3 hour layover. Well, you see, the dunns are from LA so they'll already be home. And then they said they'll take me to in-n-out before my flight back to SLC. I know this doesn't seem too cool, but IN N OUT!!! You try going without that delicasy for 18 months! Anyway, I am stoked. Plus, the flights with the Dunns just is heaven. Hello 14 hour back tickles from Sister Dunn.

In other news, our neighbor Rasheed who is a muslim, about 57 years old has a dad who owns a bee farm. He came and knocked on our door and gave us honey.... with dead bees hanging out in it HAHAHAHA sooo great. He told us not to worry because "the bees make the honey healthy". We picked them all out and SHOOT IT WAS SOOO TASTY!!!! 

On tuesday, We met this awesome lady named “YH”. She's a young mom, about 33. Her daughter who is three named "LZ" is handicapped and was having a temper-tantrum in the middle of the road. It was strange, I felt so impressed to walk up to her and tell her that she's a good mom. I did so, and she just opened up to us so quick. She's proveslavni and is just really sad because her daughter is a big trial and she can't speak yet. We were able to get to testify to her and she took the Book of Mormon and the Spirit was so strong it was awesome. As we talked with her, this worker of a grocery stoke was on his break just watching us. When we finished talking with "YH", he yelled to us "WHAT'S THAT BOOK?!"  we were able to tell him and then he said he wants to meet! So we get this man's number. His name is "ZD". LOOOONG story short, "ZD" ended up meeting with us on wednsday. He brought his friend "KT". We met down on the volga and had a lesson on the restoration. Cute new member "EL" helped us.(i'm obsessed with her.) Anyway, it quickly became evident that something wasn't right........... the woman just sat there quietly with folded arms and "ZD" just argued with us about the bible and trying to twist our words. And this, it hit me- I turned to the woman "KT" and asked "What religion are you?" and with her eyes batting around she replied "Christian..........?" I said, "No, what church are you from?" and she said "It's.... not important." We found out that they were jehovahs witnesses (MOM DELETE THAT PART BEFORE YOU POST THIS I DON'T WANT MY JDUB FRIENDS GETTING OFFENDED)  You can put in this part instead "Turns out they are members of a church and they just wanted to argue with us." It was just annoying because they tried to get us to twist our words, and it was so annoying. But funny. Anyway, we left them with a testimony about how the Spirit really exists and how we feel His influence every day. It was really cool in the end, because he took the book of mormon so that's good! 

Don't get me wrong.... I love all these bro's and sissys of other faiths.... but it was just so sneaky and they are sneaky. Then we saw them later walking hand in hand which was interesting because he told us they were only neighbors when I asked if they were a couple.

The other night I wanted to play a prank on sister reed. Our toilet is in a separate room than our shower and sink, and she was about to shower, and the water was on and everything, and then she went across to the bathroom real quick so that I couldn't see her, and while she was in there, I snuck into the shower and just stood there with my eyes closed behind the closed shower curtain, and just waited, and then I hear her come back into the shower room and she opened the shower curtain and just screamed BLOOOOOOODY MURDER!!! HHAHAHAHA GOTCHA SISTER REED! It was so dang funny I just wanted to pee. The next night that she showered, I put her journal in the shower too. It wasn't that funny but it was because she thought that I was going to turn on the water but she saw it before which I am glad because it may have ruined her journal and I didn't think that one through.

I. LOVE. CONTACTING! We have this crazy schedule where we go out every morning at 7am-9am and then do our studies at noon. It's been awesome because there have been sweet miracles from it. We met the nicest giggliest woman named "EL". We are stoked to meet with her on friday. District meeting was way spiritual and we talked about patience, which i will talk about in the end of this email. I love all the pals in my district. We have a district of 6 elders, and then me and sissy reed. Anyway, way sweet miracles. There are 2 baptisms coming up for the elders and it's just so fun to be a part of it all.  

OH MY GOSH "TY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is just the best. We haven't been able to meet with her this week, but we call her and she told us "I read the book of mormon every day. It's amazing how much joy and peace can come from just reading a book." AHHH she is just coming along. We are meeting with her tonight and we are talking about baptism and enduring to the end and just really testifying and we have faith that she will accept the invitation. She is so great. I love her. She's a best pal. I CAN'T WAIT TIL YOU MEET HER ON SKYPE! She also speaks a little bit of english so you guys can chat.

On saturday, we were feeling a bit discouraged because none of our investigators have been able to meet with us, and it's been frustrating. And, all the people that we contact on the streets who give us their phone numbers don't answer our phone calls to set up meetings with us. So here we are, discouraged and so tired from contacting, when we look down this street and feel so much excitement. I at this point know this area pretty okay and feel familiar with most of the streets, but I have never seen this particular street ever even though we walk passed it maybe twice a day. We get this feeling, just walk down the street, so we decided to do so. It's a pretty modest street fixed with little storage-garage units on both sides of the street, and then a huge beautiful government building and we kept walking, and as we turn the corner to our surprise..................................................................................................................................................... the most BEAUTIFUL garden ever! and the most ghetto fabulous! and just so lively and amazing, and women sitting in front of their DOME in these gardens. "This really is amazing!" I told the women, and after talking with this woman for a second about how we are representatives of Jesus Christ, she realized we're foreigners and when she found out that we're americans, she just took us under her wing and just introduced us to all 5 of her neighbor women friends which were all really really kind. This lady is named "LR" and she was showing us all around these gardens and is telling us to take photos of everything, every little detail in the garden. She was just a hoot! she was like "IT'S MY DOG LUCIA'S BIRTHDAY TODAY LET'S SING HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" So we did. Then she just had to pose in all the photos and it was just so fab. Then, she yelled after these young kids and said "This girls are american and speak english and you do too so come and speak english with them!" The kids came up to us and were like 'Yeahh..... we don't speak any english at all. hahahaha it was so dang funny. Anyway, one of her friends she introduced us to is named "VY", and she is about 64 years old. They both asked us for our autographs, so of course we give them our autographs........................... after our written testimonies in the front cover of the Book of Mormon. This ended up to be really amazing. They opened up and asked us more about the Book of Mormon, and about our beliefs, and what we are here to do, and why we're here to do it, and it was really amazing. "VY" really opened up to us about her life. She lives with her daughter in law and her son, who apparently hate her, and there's just so much pressure in her house that she started sleeping on the street right in front of her dome on one of the couches outside. She cried, and the Spirit inspired us to promise her that as she reads the Book of Mormon, her relationship will be better with her daughter in law and her son. It was awesome because she gave us her number and told us to come back to talk more about our message. It was a huge miracle and the Lord really knows His sheep and He is guiding us all to them everyday, so there is NO need to be discouraged, all we should do is just trust Him. 

We studied patience this week, and I really just loved it. I love in preach my gospel how we are told to have patience with ourselves. I forget that a lot, and it's really true because when you really think about Christ, you really do realize that he IS patience. I am sure He had to have been really patient with Himself (when He lived on the earth). He IS patience and I think it's one of my favorite qualities which Christ has, because it's the biggest one that I lack haha. I lack all of them really, but don't we all? haha that is why we are here to gain His qualities! Anyway, I love the verse in Alma 32: 41-43, and how with our faith and great diligence and patience looking forward to the end result of whatever it is that we are doing looking to Christ, we will be able to receive the reward which the Lord has in store for us. I am so grateful for patience and love and I love you and I am so grateful for your patienece and diligence and hard work.

gotta jet but I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! thanks for your love and prayers. See you soon, I love you so much have the happiest week. BE A LITTLE MORE PATIENT THIS WEEK! Love you BYE!

Love sissy T

those booty shorts
water melons in the car

my "EL" the new member I JUST AM OBSESSED WITH HER
Forgot to mention that this random man bought us ice cream and then kissed our ears.he was old. hey, free ice cream.
downtown samara


happy bday to the dog -attachments

that little dime in the middle is "VY" she's a miracle cutes
HAYD A LADY FROM VIETNAM! she has friends that speak hmong. her name is "TM" and her baby is zo-zo LOVE YOU HAYD!

Monday, July 13, 2015


HAPPY BDAY TO SPENC! Love you and I hope you had the happiest week!

BONNIE YOU BE LOOKIN GOOD! I can't believe you have a baby in your belly. WOAH. PS you have to email me his name because I have to know before everyone else because it's not like I can tell anyone about it. LOVEYOU

I hope you all had a happy snappy week. It was real good over here in Samara.

Weekly rundown for you all:

MONDAY- We went to the mall with the Dunns (i'm obsessed with the dunns) and they bought us BURGER KING! Okay i know what you're thinking. "that's not that good" but I'm here to tell you.... it was AMAZING! I had a bacon burger and it's been over a year since I've had a good burger and it was just the best time ever. We then saw a young man wearing booty shorts and his girlfriend wore booty shorts too. but his were way shorter and more booty licious. European fashion am i right? Anyway, There is just nothing quite like hairy legs and tiny shorts. You best believe I'm talking about the young mans hairy legs......... AND hers because nobody here shaves. Mom and Hayley McDonald, you'd be in heaven because you'd fit right in :)

TUESDAY- We had exchanges with the STL sister “ST”. She is the funniest russian gal you will ever meet. I love her. We met with "TY" and it was an amazing lesson. We felt really inspired to have a testmiony meeting and share our conversion stories with each other.  Sissy "ST" talked about how she too was russian orthodox and about how she had to make a choice between proveslavni church or Christ's church (our church) and she prayed and asked  specifically to have the feeling of a physical presence surrounding her if Christ's church, if the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints is true. She explained that after she asked, she indeed felt that physical presence and was baptized not too long after. It was so great because "TY" has been feeling torn about being baptized here, or not. She really related to sissy "ST" beacuse she too was proveslavi. Then, cute sister Dunn testified about Joseph Smith and as she did, tears filled Tan's ("TY"'s nickname) eyes. We invited her to be baptized and she said "I'm seriosuly thinking about it, and I think about it every day." AHHHHH she then committed to pray about baptism specifically just like sister "ST" did. Keep her in your prayers because she's just so close and it's amazing! I think she might be my best friend investigator I've ever had on my mission! She is the beeeeest. 

WEDNESDAY- A day of exchanges with sissy Wilson! Such a grand time. I love that sass. We spent the morning hitting the streets in the windiest rainstorm. It was so fun! Then we came upon a milk truck. Yes, a milk truck. It's the milk that comes straight from the utter of a russian cow living in a russian village, and straight to the truck, then straight into a bottle, then straight into your mouth, then to your belly. Me and sissy W were skeptical about it, but decided we'd try it anyway. Oh. My. GOSH. BEST MILK EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not a huge milk drinker unless oreo's are involved (as you know) but this milk seriously is out of this world. So fresh, so tasty, dang. But the best part about the whole experience was the milk lady named "LB". She is just the nicest lady. When we asked her what we could give her to repay her for the free milk she gave us, she said after pausing.... "Give me your number. I want to meet with you girls." OKAY, done. It was so cool! We have her the Book of Mormon and she's really stoked to read and meet with us. I hope she brings us milk because shoot. Russian cows know how to produce. Later that day we saw this woman on the street corner that we have talked to in the past, and her name is Tyote RY (aunt RY). This lady is petty old, and not very interested in meeting with the missionaries. Anyway, she's ending our conversation, but then we kept talking with her, asking her about her family when all of the sudden she just paused and said "Do you know "LV" the fat lady? Well, she's waiting for you to go to her house, here's her address." This random lady from the streets gave US a referral and it was SOOO COOL! And right when she was done giving us "LV"'s address, she just walked away. Isn't that crazy? that NEVER happens here! It really was a dang miracle for reals. It was a huge testimony to me that the Lord really leads this work, and he will work through old babushki to make it all happen. So awesome. 

Later that night, we went to a coffee shop to meet with a potential named "KT". On our way there we ran into a group of young men who all spoke english, who were here on student exchange from India, Africa, Turkey, and Egypt. They told us they've all seen our church in their home countries. We told them to go to the church once they go home because we KNEW it wasn't a  coincidence. Pretty cool. Anyway, we go to the cafe, and "KT" as way happy to see us. The best part though was this other girl named "SH" who was working too. She expressed to us how she's been on the search for truth, because she doesn't feel it in the Proveslavni church. We ended up teaching the restoration to her as we drank hot chocolate and smoothies. And by the end, "SH" was almost in tears. It really was amazing. We gave her the Book of Mormon and she's stoked to read soon :) 

THURSDAY- a crappier day... I was having some bad anxiety, but then it went away at night when we went contacting. FUN FACT I'm obsessed with contacting, I think it's just a dang blast I love all the different people and hearing all their crazy stories. Also, sister Reed and I had a heart to heart, and it was really needed and it was way awesome and I just love that lil' lady, she's just the cutest sassiest trainee in all the lands.

FRIDAY- WAYYYY sweet zone training with president Schwab and sister Schwab. Guess what? President has shingles and it's so sad. I made a joke to him last week and said "Hey president, next time you remodel your house, you should get a flat cement roof instead of a peaked roof with shingles." hahahahaha he thought that was pretty funny, and I did too.  Anyway, we talked a lot about inviting people to church and how we as missionaries aren't making enough promises in Christ's name, and we need to emphasize that more. We decided to emphasize making promises in His name on the streets, and it's seriously been super cool. People have been way more receptive to us and they also feel the Spirit as we testify and make promises to them in the name of Jesus Christ. I love it, it's been way awesome to just see that light in their eyes. Later that night we had interviews with President. He helped me out a ton. He is the best! I also got to have girl talk with Sister Schwab.  and she's just the cutes so that was fun.

Then, we had a lesson with a member named "LC". SHE IS THE CUTEST MEMBER OF MY LIFE!!!! Her story is really sad. She got in an accident and had to get a blood trasfusion (several years ago) and she ended up getting AIDS from her blood transfusion. So heartbreaking. She has a lot of pain and sickness, but you'd never guess because she's so positive and she never complain. She's just the best pal! Keep her in your prayers.

SATURDAY- Saturday comes along, and we decided to go to "LV"'s house, the referral that we got from that lady Tyota RY. We prayed, then rang the doma phone, and we hear a woman answer "Hello?" we answered ""LB"!" and without asking any further questions, she opened the door for us. We looked at each other amazed, and then walked up the stairs. And to our surprise...................... she just swings the door WIDE open and ushers us in "COME IN SISTERS COME IN!" I have never met or seen this woman before in my life. What do we do? Obviously we go in. We take our shoes off, and have a seat with her. We get acquainted, and find out this lady is a former investigator! She's only a former because she lost her phone back in the fall and since then had lost contact with the sisters. We told her about that woman Tyote RY, and she thought and thought and thought... "Oh Yeah!" she said "I have an acquaintance named Tyote RY." So amazing.  The Lord is AMAZING. We talked more, and found out that she and her best friend who lives across the street from her have been reading the Book Of Mormon together for MONTHS!  At the end of our meeting with her which we were inspired to talk about prayer, she said to us "I really do need you sisters." It was soooooooooo miraculous SHOOT! It was great. She invited to come back again. She is SO prepared it just makes my heart melt like a popsicle. But the funniest part about the whole thing was when her old old old 86 year old dad came home. He walked in the room, and sat down. Sister Reed was testifying really powerfully and her old dad didn't say a word until sister reed finished testifying. Then at the end of her testimony, he stands up and just starts YELLING at us. HAHAHAHAHA oh my gosh he was being so dang funny, but he genuinely hates us.  He was saying things like "WE DON'T NEED YOUR PREACHIN!!!! I ALREADY LOVE CRIST AND KNOW ALL ABOUT HIM. GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!! " But we didn't get out of there, we just sat there in awe because it was just so dang funny. It was like an episode of days of our lives but better because it was real life and it was all in russian. He then told us how he scared the last sisters that were over so bad that they ran away and never came back. Then he skreetched at us "AND YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE TOO!!!" Then shook his shaky creaky wrinkley finger at us. But we didn't leave. We just testified to him that God loves him, and that we are here as representatives of Jesus Christ. But............. he still screamed. So the next time that we meet "LV" we will have to meet somewhere that isn't her house because her dad is super anti-kind girls who are just sharing the gospel. haha it was pretty funny.

SUNDAY- We ate dinner at the Dunns. It was really great, and then I got to have a long talk about obedience with the Dunns and about how we are all just here trying, and we will never be perfect, as long as we are striving to be obedient. Then, we went to EM’s house again, the member that can't walk. Seriously, she is super ripped because she has to crawl on the ground to get around. Maybe i'll start doing that so I can get buff too. :)

I hate that I have to leave now, but I must. I just want you to know how much that I love you all and look up to you all! Have the happiest week and know that things over here are great, and that the Lord loves you, and he does work in mysterious ways, and as we listen to the Spirit, then everything will be okay! I really do know that this is Christ's church and that He leads it. I love Him, and He loves you! Have a tasty happy week!

Love sissy T

Our branch building here in samara
Me n sister Reed right before a rain storm

just stuffed animals in the yard. It's a frequent thing here

this little baby bird we found just chatting at us
Burger king with the dunns
WE LOVE PUPPIES! me n sister "ST"


It was just the best milk ever.

breakfast crepes
that group of young men that all spoke english
BERGS LOOK IT'S TOBY!!! Howd he make it all the way over here?
WAY cool girl "SH" at the coffee shop, the one looking for truth. 
I drew a picture of her for her.
this happens often here

They're the office couple from Parawan Utah. I just love them suh much

Monday, July 6, 2015

Crepes every DAY.

This email will be a little shorter because we have to go to this store like costco to eat burger king with the Dunns because they're paying for us and nobody can say no to burger king am i right? also some other crazy things to get done today like this huge creepy pile of laundry at home and getting ready for exchanges. Our new STL is sister “ST” the russian and I love her and so it's going to be a fun few days getting to work with her again. She's the funniest gal ever. 

So I just had this crazy miracle today. I was talking with the mission doctor, doctor blackwell today. Anyway, we were talking, and before I went to talk with him, the computer that I am currently writing on wasn't working. It just had a refreshing page for sooooo long and elder dunn the senior couple didn't know how to fix it and he's super tech savvy. Anyway, I was really discouraged because I really really wanted to write home today and I was scared I wouldn't get to, so I just prayed and asked Heavenly Father to bless that the computer would work so that I could write you and write home today, and I had faith that He could do it, and when I left the bedroom where I was talking with Elder Blackwell, The screen was working again and Elder dunn said "PERFECT TIMING SISTER TWEDE! I just fixed the computer!" and I said "No you didn't. I just prayed and Heavenly Father fixed it so that I could write home." Then I told them the story and we all just started laughing. It was really funny hahaha and it was just a great testimony to me, that even the little stuff in life that seems so silly and insignificant is also important to Heavenly Father too. It was just a great time haha ahhh, technology.

OKAY sister reed. She's a dang pal, so dang funny it kills me! Get this- she worked at a crepe shop in portland, so she knows the recipe to crepes............................ and we literally eat crepes every. single. DAY. It's just the best! I'm telling you. Crepes with sour cream on them is the best. All the russians do it and it's just the best. You GOTTA try it! I am so grateful for this humbling experience. Sister Reed seriously is a powerhouse and I have seen so much growth in her the past week. I feel really grateful to be companions with her. Her perspective on missionary work is really interesting, and way different than mine, but I really am learning so much and it's been really fun to put our ideas together. 

Last week started off just right with a conversation with one of my favorite members of all time “GK”. Before a lesson, she was telling me about the sodas that she likes and doesn't like and she said "I loooooooove popa cola" but she tried to say coco-cola and popa means butt in russian so she said "OH I JUST LOOOOVE BUTT SODA!" hahahaha It was just the best. 

We met with “TY” again. Taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She wants to come to church to compare our church with the proveslavni church. PRAY for her that she will see a  huge difference and that those differences will lead her to the desire to be baptized. She is just the best pal. You will seriously love her so much when you meet her!

OH MY. We met with this potential named “El”. She is so fabulous. She is a makeup artist and hair stylist and is "professional" as she calls herself. The first lesson we had was awesome and spiritual and at the end when she read Moroni 10:3-5 she said "I FEEL THIS VIBRATION IN MY HEART! DO YOU FEEL THAT ENERGY RIGHT NOW??!?!!?!" We told her that it was the spirit testifying to her that everything that we were talking about is the truth. It was really an amazing lesson, and we invited her to be baptized, and she said "I was already baptized into the proveslovni church" - a common reply we receive. Anyway, She said she would read and pray about the book of mormon so that was way awesome! And then get this: last night we went over to her house for another lesson. So basically what happened was that she wants us to be models for her makeup/hairstyle portfolio. We told her no, we can't because this isn't our time it's the Lord's time and we are serving Him right now. Then, she just went off for about 20 minutes about how she is having her friend who is a "professional photographer" take the photos, and we'll have a nice keep sake to take home with us to america and that everything will be for free. hahahahahaha but the photos were the crappiest quality and the makeup she does is way funny too hahah i'll paint the picture for you: 
1) black thick eyebrows 2) caked-on face 3) cat eyed eyeliner 4)weird squiggly lines by the eyes. Basically, she's just a dang character and I love her. But then she got rrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally mad at us and telling us things like "YOU DON'T WANT TO BE MODELS JUST SAY IT!" And "IF YOU REALLY SERVED GOD YOU'D SERVE ME BY BEING MY MODELS TOMORROW!" Then she told us we're sick in the head. hahaha it really was way funny. But then we had a spiritual thought with her since the Spirit wasn't really there since she was yelling so we couldn't do the lesson we planned, but then in the end it turned out great and she felt the Spirit again and she wants to meet again. It was a good time. 

"DM" "DM" "DM" "DM" DANG "DM"! Oh my gosh so we passed little "DM" off to the elders. Turns out that's exactly what it took to get him progressing again! So cool! and get this: So "DM" has this crazy crazy addiction to coffee. He literally can't function without cofee. In the past, he would drink in front of us and say "It's okay to drink this, right? Because I'm not a member of your church yet." KEYWORD- YET! so cool. Anyway, saturday night we got a phonecall from "DM". He told us all about how earlier that day he met with the elders for a lesson. Then "DM" said "My health is so bad. People who see me think I have problems because I am too think and my head hurts all the time and I just feel tired all of the time and sick and so after talking with the elderes, I decided I'm going to quit drinking coffee." WHHHHHATTT "DM"!! The only person i've ever met who has a legitimate addiction to coffee decided to give it us. It was just soooo cool! ahhhh He is super on his way for baptism. 

Miracles so many many many miracles! On Saturday, we had an impression to go by the home of the investigator “IR”, the one with two young daughters. "IR" is the bipolar woman who was on date for baptism back in May, but three days before her baptism she shut us out of her life. We'd go over to see if we could at least talk with her, and she wouldn't open the door, even though we clearly heard her daughters to be quiet and not to answer the door. Anyway, we stopped meeting with her for a while, until we had the impression to go to her house on saturday. So, we go to her house, ring for her on the doma phone, and no answer. We called again, no answer. About to leave to go back into our area, we felt impressed to just wait- so we did for several minutes, and then decided to leave. We were walking down the muddy path, and look up only to see “IR” with her two girls walking toward us on their way home. The girls instantly ran to us, greeting us with hugs.  "IR" was cordial, but then said they had to go home. The girls begged and begged their mom to get us go over, and then............ she invited us over! ahhh! Then standing in the rain, "IR" opens up her backpack and pulls out something that melted my heart. She pulled out a soaking wet book of mormon, all swelled up on the pages from the rain. "I take it with me everywhere." she said. When we got to her small apartment, we told her we felt really impressed to go to her house. Then, a big smile swpet her face as she told us about how she was supposed to leave town that same morning to go to a small music festival outside the city, which would have lasted a few days. But then, she hod this thought come into her head "It'll be better for you if you stay home."  She didn't understand, then went on, getting all her stuff gathered and ready to go to this festival when the thought came again "It'll be better if you stay home." She trusted  the thought. Following that, she told us that she read the Book of Mormon for a long time and felt a lot of comfort. Then she said "Now I know why I wasn't supposed to go to that festival because God knew you would come to me through when I really needed to hear from you sister and meet with you." SO AMAZING!!!! We talked more with her about baptism which was great because she still wants to be baptized. Such a miracle. Then, on sunday early in the morning we went to her house to help her and the girls get ready for church. And they came! And it was a huge miracle. "IR" is back!!!!!!

I have started a study, studying Christ's personality, and not only just his qualities. We know from the scriptures that Christ has many qualities like faith, hope, charity, love, virtue, knowledge, patience, humility, diligence, obedience, and many many many many more qualities. We can obtain these qualities for sure as we study the scripture and as we make every day decisions to really strive to be Christ-like. We know these things, we've all heard these things, but what about Christ's personality?

I was reading John 15 the other day, and Christ's personality was really made manifest to me by the Spirit (I sound like Brigham Young haha who am i?) Anyway, I learned that Christ- is full of love, is concerned for our happiness, gives great advice to as to how to obtain joy, comes down to our level to help and comfort us, he relates to us, and tells us as it is. One of my favorite verses is found in that chapter as Christ says to His deciples "Remember the word that I said unto you, the servant is not greater than his Lord. If they persecuted me, the will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also." Christ is SOOO right. We really are no better than our Lord. As we suffer in behalf of His name, we can shrug it off and smile, knownig that we are so priveledged to have our hard things, because the Lord too had hard things, and He overcame it all. And we too, as His disciples can overcome all the hard things we face too as we "look unto Him in every thought." It's true as John accounts the Savior as he taught us "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in Him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing."

I am so grateful for this. Again, another high horse I have is that WE REALLY ARE NOTHING! And we really can't do anything without Christ. But, we mean EVERYTHING to God and the Christ. We really do need to give ourselves to Christ, not just a piece, but all of us and all the blessings and guidance will make it all worth it. For a long time of my mission I wasn't fully giving myself to Christ and His work because I didn't like certain bits about this work as a missionary. But the Lord has really opened my eyes and given me great trials that hurt like nooooo other to go through, but He knew it would be for my benefit and my learning and He has truly changed my heart and continues to do so and continues to convert me more and more as the days go by. THIS IS HIS WORK AND HE IS JUST THE BEST!!

You are all the best and I miss you all so much. BUT I will see you so soon it blows my mind. LOVE YOU!

Love, Sissy T

don't eat here unless you want a baby in your belly. get it? prego. hahaha shoot.
my arms matching that saints arms on the temple

the craziest rain storm came out of nowhere and we were soaking wet and it was just the dang best time
"GK"!!!! She's the one that loves popa cola haha.
"KR" stalked us ... she always knows where we are 
it's creepy and strange but we love her anyway
we were having a moment
don't mind my fat fat arm but these are the rowleys and we rode the tramvai and it was a great time. they leave next week :( wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

more temple shots
the dang crepes though
did i mention that all the sauce in russia comes in bags?

we ran to this icecream stand 3 minutes before we were supposed to be in for the night. 
and we were still at home on time it was rrrradical