
Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I have never had a crazier week in my life!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY CUTE GRANDMA JANE!!! OH BOY DO I LOVE YOU CUTESSSS!!! I love you grandma jane, i think you're a gem and a doll and i can't wait to squeeeeeeze you! I hope you had the best birthday!!! ps tell grandpa i love him:)

and grandma lee i love you too! you're the precious!

AND CLAIRE! I LOVE YOU MY BABY PRECIOUS!!! YOU'RE A DREAM!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE TURNING ONE!!! Ah you're the best. I miss you all the time. I can't wait to squeeze you my lil squishy! I hope you have the best birthday!

Alright so this week...

This week sissy c and I set a goal to have 5 member present lessons during the week. We prayed really hard and with the Lord's help, we were able to exceed that goal! We got 12 member lessons and it was such a blessing! I have never had a crazier week in my life, but I know that when I rely on Christ when times get crazy, I can do all that which is required of me. I know that this work is the Lord's work and I am beginning to really understand how big his role is in all of it. I have been having so many fears about the language. But I just really feel like I just can't get it. And I try so hard to rely on Christ and to have faith that I'll be able to communicate some day. I just need to continue to pour all my worries on him! I know he listens, and he has all power and with his help I can do all things. AND YOU TOO CAN DO ALL THINGS WITH HIS HELP!

We have bee praying for miracles like crazy. "A" the 14 year old boy getting baptized has his baptism on saturday. We have been able to meet with him basically every day and teach him all that he needs in order to be ready for baptism. It's been a miracle to see him gain a testimony for himself and it will be such a miracle to see him enter the waters of baptism! You guys it's the coolest. It feels like christmas morning! We also have literally given out all of our  books of mormons and everything except a few brochures and cards.  It's been such a miracle to pray for strength even when I have none towards the end of the day, and to see the Lord really help and give me strength to carry on through the day. 

Transfers are next week, so we are going to samara again tonight to have zone conference. I have a feeling that sister coleman and I are getting separated and I had a dream that I was trainging..... oh dear I hope that's not the case because I cannot speak Russian! hahah Okay but yeah the miracle. So I told you about "L" and "M" our investigators and how their friend misha died. Well, we went over to their house last Monday for the first time in a while because they were really concernced about the word of wisdom. Well, we gave misha the man that died a book of Mormon. and we were at "L" and "M's" house just testifying about the word of wisdom when "M", "L's" husband said, holding the book of Mormon that we gave his friend, and staring at it, "i hope you and sister coleman know that the day misha died, he wanted to come to your church. He felt so much light around you just as me and "L" do." It was so spiritual! I really feel that one of the main reasons we met "L" and "M" was to save their friend, so that he could hve the opportunity to learn the gospel in the next life. He died with a knowledge of the book of Mormon, and he died with knowing the light of Christ. It was such a testimony to me that this work we are engaged in is god's work. I know it's true. THEN ON SUNDAY "L" AND "M" CAME TO CHURCH!!! SOOOOO COOOL! ahhh the church is true my people. 

so....I heard from my friend sister kline who is in rostov russia (that borders ukraine) they aren't allowed to wear their nametags in public, or even contact on the streets. There is so much anti american stuff going on here in Russia, it's freaky. It's really scary and I have a lot of worries that I'm going to get booted out of russia and to some crazy country like turkey or kahzikstan because there is so much anti american stuff going on here. They even closed down mcdonalds in moscow! And they are getting rid of all the coke machines here and coke products.... it's really crazy. I hope that everything will be okay. The world is just getting scary, but we know that jesus is coming which is pretty dang great! I can't wait to see him again.

Sorry this is all over the place. Life is crazy today but I love you all so much. Thanks for all you do and for all your love and light! never forget that you CAN rely on christ for anything, and everything. LOVE YA'LL!!

love hayster

 a foggy morning at 5am

 me and sister bussmann taeching together it was a secret photo taken of us haha
soups soups

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