
Monday, June 22, 2015

The Lord's Way

We got transfer calls...... and guess what?? I am staying in Samara................................................................................AND I'M TRAINING!! My trainee is named Sister Reed. She is the only one coming in and so that is how I know who she is. The sucky part though is that she got reassigned to Tempe Arizona and nobody knows why and my mission president hasn't told me anything, so if she doesn't come then I will have to be in a trio with the sisters that live in the ghetto part of Samara called Bezi. I like it there though, I have served over there a couple times on my mission. It's just kinda sad because I wouldn't be able to go to my own branch on sunday I would have to go to the Bezi branch. It's just kinda up in the air and I'm walking in the dark so I just pray that she will get here because I saw photos of her and she's way cute and cool and I am way stoked that I get to train her! I just feel like I know nothing still haha, like I just got to the mission yesterday! I am dreading the awkward first week new companion blues though..... holding farts in just really isn't my thing. hahahaha you know that already. 

I had a dang sweet study today! I want to share it with you. I read a talk called The Lord's Way by Elder Stanley G. Elis of the Seventy from general conference April 2012. I'll tell you some of the highlights from that talk. He talks about 6 steps to the Lord's way. The Lord's way is: 1) to work. 2) to work smart. 3) the importance of timing. 4) to do what is needed or ought to be done regardless of what is enjoyable, preferable, or convenient. 5) to be direct. 6) to stick to the basics. 

He then says "We are NOT spiritual orphans! We have a Heavenly Father. He is our parent, and like a parent, He helps us avoid dangerous pitfalls by warning through the Spirit. And like parents, He understands better, because of His perspective. With Heavenly Father, we don't have to be lost, confused, deceived or less effective. Heavenly Father hasn't shown us A way, but THE way."

We can learn a lot from the scriptures about this. In proverbs 3:5-7 we are told "lean not unto thine own understanding." Why? Because we are weak and don't have all the answers and don't always know the way, but Heavenly Father, and I'll also add Christ, they do know the way. Also in D&C 82:10 we learn that if we do things in the Lord's way, He is bound to bless us and we have claim to his amazing promises if we choose to follow our own tiny pea brain perspective, then we don't have the promise. 

That's really helped me, especially with just trusting the Lord more, and inclining my mind toward Him to help strengthen my faith in Him. They know the way, and that's amazing. I really shouldn't stress so much and just trust that my Heavenly Father knows why everything is playing out as it is at this time. Anyway, back to Elder Elis' talk. He then stated "The Lord's way is that we hearken to our leaders' teachings, understand correct principles, and govern ourselves according to those teachings and impression." Just really profound, and is just evident that all those around us, all the leaders we have on the mission, other missionaries even, we are to learn from their teachings. Anyway,I really loved his closing testimony though at the end of his talk. He testifies 'Our Heavenly Father knows us and loves us, and wants to help. He knows best how to help. We are NOT spiritual orphans!" That in and of itself, realizing that we have Heavenly parents, and a Lord and Savior who knows us perfectly, really touched my heart today. I just want to focus on that this week to strengthen my faith in the Savior. 

The real miracles that happened this week..... there were so many I can't even count. Anyway, Saturday was the best day of all. We had nothing but hours of contacting ahead of us, due to two lessons not working out. So we decided to get excited about it, and when we did that we saw some crazy miracles! We met a man who had received the book of mormon several years ago who is really interested in our message and wants to come to church, we met a woman on a bench named "AL" who just listened intently as we testified about the Book of Mormon, and then she interrupted us and said "Wait.... can I have your number? I would really want to meet some time and talk about this!" SO great. Then, we met the most dreamiest 30 year old gal named "YH"  and it was right before our dinner hour. We could have walked past her thinking "well, it's dinner hour so let's just not talk to her." It was crazy because it was almost as if the Spirit just took over our minds and our mouths and we just yelled out to her and she stopped and talked with us. We told her we are here as representatives from our church, and she asked us for our number as well! We ended up meeting that night and walking at the park and eating ice cream and watching the sunset and talking about our purpose and sharing with her what we know to be true and giving her the Book of Mormon. She is really open and we are really looking forward to meeting with her in the future. My testimony of setting mini goals really was strengthened this past week also. We surpassed all the goals that we set and with the Lord's help were able to give out 15 Books of mormon in 3 days. It really strengthened my testimony and I just learned that mini goals are very important, and it just shows the Lord that we really want His help. It really helped me to see His hand more in the work also. 

"DM" "DM" "DM"....Long story short, we ended up dropping "DM". We had a meeting with him on monday night last week, where we established our purpose here as missionaries, and that we aren't here to just be friends with people. Sure we are friends with him, but we are trying to help him come unto Christ. It was just really needed and he ended up telling us "you probably just shouldn't meet with me then because I have no desire to get baptized right now." So we respected his agency. We then didn't talk to him for several days, and then he called us on friday evening. He said "I have been reading the book of mormon a lot lately. I also was talking on an internet site with people who aren't members of your church but who live with mormons or have mormon friends. I was talking to them and we all agreed that mormons are the nicest people that you can ever meet. Then, I realized something after reading and speaking with those people that know mormons: I realized that when I was russian orthodox, I realized something was missing. Then I met the baptists and was baptized into that church. And then I met the Mormons here in Russia and I realize that there is something missing in my church, and if there really is one true church of Jesus Christ, then it's your church." Isn't that crazy? It was way cool. Then he told us that he would be coming to church on sunday! And, he did come. But... we too have noticed that things are sometimes weird with "DM", in the sense of him meeting with us sisters. He's hugged me twice against my will and he pokes me sometimes and it's just a little strange. But we love him, he's a good soul. We are passing him to the elders so it's going to be good. Anyway, long story short his heart is really softening and it's awesome for him and the Lord.

I am so sorry this is short because sister mckell has to pack today. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH you all mean so much to me. PS HAPPY WEDDING DAY DYL AND ERIN!! YOU LOOKED SO BEAUTIFUL! Love you. 

Have a grand one. LOVE YOU ALL!

Love, Sissy T

that sunset though
"RY" this muslim cute gal
the sunset with "YH"
little "AM" and her sister "MV". they are just the nicest.
our district pals
I call this photo the labyrinth 
me creeping on this man
sweaty with laundry hanging to dry

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