
Monday, June 15, 2015



DANG Happy birthday sissypants. You look soooo good I am so happy you had a happy birthday! I can't wait to go to gourmandise with all you friends in a few months. SOOOO SICK! Happy Birthday sissy!

So sorry about uncle Terry. I just bet he and grandpa Lyn are having the best time talking about grandma Lee and visiting her in her sleeps! I am so grateful for the plan of salvation, it really brings me a lot of peace. Grandma, you're a champ. I'm praying for you!

OH DANG. ERIN AND DYL. YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW! I wish you kindess happniess, health, a handsome husband/pretty wife and lots and lots of children. (that's what all the babyshki wish to us on the streets.) Don't forget to send me lots of photos!

As you all know, FATHERS DAY IS COMING UP! YEAHHHHH! Shout out to all you dads. But especially you, dad. This email is for you.

BRIAN L. TWEDE. You are seriously the best friend and I am so obsessed with you and I love you soooo dang much! Here are some of my favorite memories with you/of you.

1)CAR SHOWS and arctic circle. That was always just so dang fun. I loved dad's night out!
2) Motorcycle rides. Especially when whit sat on the back and I sat on the front. That was just the best. No matter how late it was, no matter how tired you were after work, you would ALWAYS take us on a motorcycle ride. You're just the best!
3) When you would/will still drop EVERYTHING to help me fix my car... and by that I mean you do it for me because cars aren't really my thing. You are so selfless!
4) That story about susie pickles that ate too many pickles and she blew up hahahahaha. You would tell us that at bed time and it was just the best story. 
5) YOUR ADVICE. You are just so smart and you always know exactly what to say. You really comforted me a ton especially when it came to college and also with the mission. You are just the best pal.
5)Watching you work at the studio in your element. LOVE it. You are just so talented
6)I love that you are so creative coming up with new ideas always! Like swip that fruit dip, hands off!, marshmallow munchies, the food storage. You are the most creative person that I know!
7)You would always go to trade shows and then I would always wait SOOOOOO long for you to 
8)YOUR SANDWICHES! It was always a good day at school when I opened my sack lunch only to find out you made my lunch for me. (Sorry mom, dad's lunches were always better. hehehe)
10)late night hot tubbing
11)I remember being on vacation in florida that time we almost got scammed, and I really wanted to go swimming on a gray windy day, and nobody would go with me, but you did and you brought evil bendy with us hahahaha oh man. The memories. You are just the best pal! 
12)When you came to my high school to help me drop biology... HAHAHAHA do i need to say more? YOu are just so funny and sassy and you said, "then give us the biology equipment that we paid $120 for! We'll play with it at home!" haha you always fight my battles with me and that makes the best dad ever.
13)SKIING! I just can't keep up with you. You are just too fast and too good and I hope that some day I can skii as well as you do. You're a champ.
14) When you wrote me a card while I was at girlscamp, telling me that I have you as my father and that I also have a Heavenly Father as well. You told me you had a lot of people because you couldn't always watch over me, but you knew/know that Heavenly Father will always watch over me. That really touched me and really had  a huge impact on my decision to come onto a mission. Thanks for that dad!  

These are just some of the few memories that I have time to write about today. There are many more, but i just hope that you never forget that you really are the best dad (Sorry to all you dads out there) and I just feel SOOOO blessed to be your daughter. YOU ARE JUST THE CUTES, CAT DAD! I love you:)

Well now that we all know that Brian Twede is the best dad ever, let's talk about THE BESTTTTT DAD THAT WE ALL HAVE! Heavenly Father! He is just the best father. (sorry dad, he is the dang best. But you already know that!)  since fathers day is coming up soon, I will write some things that I found in the scriptures about our HEAVENLY father.

Ephesians 4:6 "One God and Father of all; who is above all, and through all, and in you all." WE all have traits from our earthly fathers, and we also have traits from our Heavenly Father. We really are his children.

Hebrews 12:9 "Furthermore we have ad fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we ave them reverence.' Shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits and live?"

James 4:5 "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you." Just as we draw close to our fathers on earth when we need help, comfort, and love, and as we try to strengthen our relationships with them, so it is with Heavenly Father! Serve God, and He'll serve you. Draw near to Him, and He'll draw near to you. Open ourselves unto Him, and He'll open himself unto us. Isn't that just really special? I really love that verse.

I am so grateful for Heavenly Father. He is just the best. I feel really comforted by this knowledge that God loves me, and that He is more than just the "God of the universe" as "DM" calls Him, He really is our Father! I just love that so much. It's really blessed my life and I can't wait to hug Him again and just squeeze Him. He's just the best isn't He? We are just so lucky to have our Heavenly Father. He is just the best. I know I say it a lot, but PLLLLEASE... just please try to strengthen your relationship with your Heavenly Father. If you feel you don't have a relationship at all with Him, then you can really find that relationship. God doesn't separate Himself from us, we separate ourselves from Him. So I just urge you to allow Heavenly Father mend your broken hearts and just really heal your relationship with Him. He LOVES you! I just know it. 

Yesterday we went back to that members house who is old and halfway paralyzed. Anyway, guess what? She hadn't eaten all day again. So dang sad. We made her potatoes and cucumbers and onions, all boiled. With salt and pepper. IT sounds sooo creepy but it was actually really tasty! She is just the dang cutes so that was great.

This week "IR" was supposed to be baptized on Saturday, which unfortunately didn't happen. We went to her house for a lesson, and we went up the stairs in the apartment building because the door was opened, and knocked on the door. We heard her tell her daughters not to open the door, and then she turned up the volume on the TV so that she couldn't hear us. We left a note telling her that we love her and that we would go back the next day. Anyway, we went back the next day with flowers that were gifted to us by strangers on the street (sweet right?) and rang her doma phone, and she said "Leave me alone and never come back." All i could think about was gollum from Lord of the Rings "Leave now and NEVER come back!" But it's okay because we will go back, when the Lord lets us know when. 

We had a really sweet miracle this week. "DM" wasn't meeting with us for about two weeks because he is addicted to trading money. Well, apparently last year he lost a great sum of money from trading, and it happened to him again this year. He slipped into a huge depression, blaming God for all of this happening. We have been helping him to realize that our trials come from God, and he chastens us because he loves us. He does it so that we draw closer to Him. Anyway, it was great because the day after he lost a lot of money, he called us and said "I just realize that I can't do this anymore. I can't trade money. It's destroying my health, and my peace of mind. I know now that I need to spend my time with important things like reading the bible and the Book of Mormon every day." It was so awesome and it's been great to be able to help him come closer to Christ. It was a big miracle and he is starting to humble himself a lot. 

Well, that is all for today. I love you all so much! Especially you dad, happy fathers day to you! YOU ARE JUST THE DANG FRIEND! I love you all so much. Thanks for your help and for your prayers. I pray for you all always. 

Love you,

Love Sissy T (zekonke.... that's for you dad)

Milk and cookies on the street with sister Manley on splits. She's just the dang pal.
look how creative russians are in their yards. EEEEEK so cute!
tanning on the beach
the horse

It's just suh green!

We bought PEONIES!
cooking and gutting fishes
Sister Schwab the friend!!!

subway is the dang best
We got matching pants at the market suh cute

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