
Monday, October 13, 2014

Helloooo chocolate! reunited and it feels so goooood! But not.

WELCOME HOME TO MY ERIN (miriam) BERG! I LOVE YOU MY PRECIOUS! I can't wait to see you soon! in almost 11 months! 

Wasn't conference just the biggest dream? I LOVED IT! One of my favorite talks was by Jorg..... I don't remember his last name, but he's the guy from the 70 who is german and he sounds really feminine but he's really just german. Well, I loved how his talk was centered on how we can become spiritually confident and the steps we need to take to become spiritually confident. some of the steps included taking care of our bodies... eating healthy and exercising not because we want to, but because our bodies need it. haha when me and sister mckell heard him say that, we turned to each other and said... "well... here we go..." haha it's just a bummer because we love pastries! But lately i have been feeling the worst i have ever felt... just super slow and pudgy and just gross and I also feel like I haven't been able to teach the gospel very well. Well, come to find out it's because i have a very big lack of spiritual confidence! So... we will be running stairs in our apartment.... and attempting to eat healthy. Nothing can keep me away from my sweets though! Also how we need to repent daily to become spiritually confident, and forgive immediately. It was all just really refreshing to hear. I also loved Richard G Scott's. Hes just the funniest when he was like, "We come to life to be tested.... tried.... and STRETTTTTCHED!!!" It's true. I feel so stretched so basically i will have the saggiest skin when i come home. helooooooooo oldies!

We had something really heart breaking and devastating happen this past week. We had planned a lesson for our investigators "L" and "M" to talk about tithing. Well, they have been having big problems with money lately. This isn't the first time either. The first month that we met them back in July is the first time they asked us for money. We kindly told them that we don't do that, and then they went on their way. Months later, and after many meetings with them where they have felt the spirit, where they have decided to be baptized, the issue of not having enough money came up again. Long story short, "L" was really uncomfortable with the idea of tithing (even though we hadn't explained it in deeper detail) because they barely have enough money to "get by". We went to their house to teach them tithing, but the lesson ended up falling through. The next morning, "L" texted us and said; " last night I had a dream. I dreamed that you and your church can't help us with our money problem. Thanks for everything, but I don't need your church. All I need is God. He is the only one that can help us." We had a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally long cry after that text. We really felt like we didn't need to say anything to them after that, so what did we decide to do? Buy chocolate. We got a phone call from "M" later that night, after eating lots of chocolate. He said "Where are you? It's my birthday!" So we bought him a candy bar, wrote a note saying happy birthday and that we are always here for him and his family and more importantly god is here for him and his family and that he is making the right steps in his life. Well, we went over, wished him a happy birthday, and it was as if "L" never sent us that text earlier. It was all really confusing. Long story short, he asked us if we were still not eating chocolate, but somehow we avoided the question. (fewwf dodged a bullet there!) 

We decided that we were going to stop eating chocolate again because we really needed to sort everything out with them. We invited them to conference and they said that they wanted to come but had no money for the bus because "M" doesn't have a job. Saturday came, and we had arranged a ride for them. We called "L" and she said she wasn't home, but was at her sister's house which was really far from where she lived, so she obviously took a bus there. We asked her if "M" wanted to come, and she replied telling us that he was at work.It's really confusing and we really didn't know what to do so we just went to conference and everything felt great after being spiritually uplifted. Yesterday we were eating dinner after church, and "L" texted us. The text read, "Buy "M" a wireless keyboard. He needs it for his work." we replied telling her "We can't, sorry." and then she said "Thanks for everything, I thought that the giving hands (me and sister mckel) would give. But no, your hands are just greedy." Basically, we are really hurt and really don't understand what went wrong. I feel like I have been blind to it this whole time. It just really hurts because we have shown nothing but love toward them, and we thought that they really truly desired to be baptized but now we just aren't sure. The members have been telling us too, that they are just sneaky people and that we shouldn't meet with them for a long time. I just don't want to give up hope because all people need the opportunity to be baptized, it's really sad and difficult. But both sister Mckell and I feel that we just need to take a break with them for a while. 

But on a happier note... we can eat chocolate now! Right? We may or may not have spent 15 dollars on chocolate and eaten it all within three days... But that's a different story. 

We have a miracle though. Her name is "A". She is really prepared! We gave her a book of mormon last week, and she has been reading it. She told us that she had a lot of questions. We answered her questions which were about our heritage and if we are lamanites or nephites. Our conversation led to the word of wisdom somehow, and we told her that we don't drink black or green tea or coffee. I said to her "some people think it's weird, but once you understand that it is a commandment from God then it's really not weird at all." Her response was priceless; "Well, now I know not to drink those anymore! I don't think it's weird at all. The people that think it's weird just aren't the elect." I repeat........... "the people that think it's weird just aren't the elect." "A"! DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT YOU'RE AN ELECT DAUGHTER OF GOD!?  So basically we have a meeting with her this week and we'll invite her to be baptized.

All out of time here..... i love you all and i love my mission and i love the lord and i encourage you all to watch some conference videos online! they're the greatest!

love hayster sissy
 creepy panorama
 having a good day
 the fall ball.. they dressed me up like fall.
bye elder glad and meredith! good district... probably the best.

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