
Monday, August 17, 2015


This past week was CRAZY! We saw so many cool miracles. I really feel like the Lord has been showing me over and over and over His hand in this work. And sometimes He does it in the most unbelievable ways.

So............. did you know that the Lord works through dogs? On wednesday morning, sister Hullinger and I hit the streets early. EVERY person that we talked to rejected us, yelled at us, ignored us, you name it. I can dig it, I can handle that for the first 3-5 people we talk to... but when it goes on for 20 minutes it just makes you crazy a little bit. We kept walking a little bit, and were really trying to listen to the Spirit to find out where to go and who we should talk with. Well same thing, nobody wanted to talk to us, and then we see this cute stray dog on the street. We walked up to it to say hi, and then she just was the NICEST stray dog I ever met in my life. Get this: she stood up really fast and then just started walking ahead of us and looking back from time to time. Sister Hullinger and I look at each other, and then it's clear to us just HAD to follow this dog. So we went out on a limb, and followed the dog. The second we followed her, people started talking to us. She led us down this street we've never been on, and we saw these two older women just waiting for their shop to open so that they can go to work. They were both believing and were really excited to receive the book of mormon. It was amazing really. Then, the dog barks, telling us it's time to leave, so we leave and follow this dog, and met this WAY sweet young girl and it just went on and on and every person we spoke with really were kind to us even if they weren't really interested in our message. The best part of all is that the dog which we named SISTER! led us the rest of the morning to this woman that was sweeping the debris from the streets. haha only in Russia. anyway, we got talking to this lady, and it turns out that this woman is a less active that NOBODY has seen in a really long time. Her name is "ZY" and she stopped going to church because she told us that once victory day was on a sunday and NOBODY who spoke at church even mentioned that it was victory day and it just offended her so she stopped going. ........ That's just a lame reason if you ask me, but we can work with that. Anyway, she told us that we could go over to her house this upcoming weekend so that was just rad. We looked around for SISTER! the dog, and she just curled up to sleep under some bushes, and then it was time to go home for studies. It was a funny little mercy for reals. 

On Thursday night sister Hullinger and I just felt really enthusiastic about the work, and we were really determined that on Friday we wanted to give out lots of books of mormon to people. So, we set a goal to give out 10, to get 1 member present lesson, and to get 2 phone numbers, and 1 new investigator. By the end of the night guess what happened? We were able to get out 12 books of mormon, we had 3 member present lessons, received 5 phone numbers, and found 2 new investigators. ISN'T THAT JUST FAB?! It was just such a miracle. We really relied on Christ that day and were really focused all day long toward our goal. It was incredible to be a part of, and it was as if the Lord said to us "Alright my sisters, get out there and have faith that I can help you with this goal. Sit back and watch me do my work" And He did, and there was no way we could have reached those goals without the Savior and His help and without choosing to have faith IN Him. Pretty interesting that faith is a choice, huh? The best part of that night was this woman that we ALMOST didn't talk to, but we chased her down and found out that she loves family history and she's been doing it for the past four years and then right there on the street she invited me and sister Hullinger and our member help “BV” over to her house! First time that's happened to me on my whole mission! It was so awesome. We were able to help her know more about family history, AND teach her the restoration. She just ate everything up and agreed to come to church and about praying about our message. Her name is "MN" and she's obsessed with cats, so that's always a fun quality. Seriously, she has little ceramic cats alllll over her house, and vinyl stickers of cats allllll over the walls, and cat cups, and she even has a cat named Jacob but it's a girl cat so that's just the funniest part of all. (nahmean?) Anyway, we are stoked to be working with her now!

I feel really enlightened about repentance after our zone conference we just had this last week so I wanted to share with you what I learned:

We talked a lot about love, and praying to have love. I never realized before my mission that we can pray for love because Christ has perfect love and we can look to him to be filled with His love for ourselves, for others, and for Him. This doesn't apply to the SAINTS exclusively, it also applies to the sinner, to the broken, to the damaged, and to the incompetent and imperfect people that we all are. 

President Schwab said something that really impressed me. Often times when we make the mistakes we make every day, we feel trapped and trick ourselves into believing Satan and what he tells us. Things like "I'm too bad, i'll never be forgiven." Then President said something so profound, so bluntly and boldly. He said "Who are YOU to challenge the Savior?"

I thought about that..... "who are WE to challenge the Savior?" Who are we, to get so caught up in our imperfect ways and hold on to guilt and hate ourselves and try to punish ourselves for our mistakes when all we need to do is just quickly repent and hand it all over to the Lord?! Yes, sometimes repentance is a long process, but we have been promised by the Lord himself in Mosiah 26:30 "As often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me.." That is just UNREAL! And then we go on to read in verse 31 "And ye shall also forgive one another your trespasses." Forgiving one another often includes forgiving ourselves. 

This has really opened my eyes a ton. I am so grateful for repentance and all the relief it brings to me. I know that Christ lives and loves us and that he leads his work! It's just so great. 

SO, all my friends and fam, just DO it. Just turn to the Savior because He understands. I know He does because I feel the way He understands me! It's truly amazing. He is so ready to forgive. All we have to do it just ask.

FUNNY story real quick: We were contacting the other night, and we stopped this man who was walking his dog, and we got talking, and came to find out that he is a former investigator! And Sister Hullinger can't really speak too well yet, so this man said to me "Why is she being silent? I KNOW WHY. SHE HAS A DARK SOUL." So I say to sister Hullinger "Don't you know anything? Gingers DON'T have souls." hahahahahaha but then I made her talk and she invited him to church and he declined, but we know he'll come some day. 

Anyway, I love you all. Keep on keeping on and keep it REAL. We are now in the 60's brothers and shishters.......

See you SOON.

Love, Sissy Twede

PS Tolyatti is just grand. I love the forest life

I want to buy EVERYTHING at the fruit stands always. SO FRESH!
The way you shake it
papa dale look what I'm eating! your famous sandwich! 
I rode a dolphin last week

the best photoshopping job you ever saw. "one among lions!"

mama took us to a cafe! she's a member who speaks the most british english. She taught english in her younger days. We ate borsch and bleeni it's great! 
kids playing on a sunday evening! 

I could just squeeze my little reggie (redhead in russian)
prettiest sunny set
Studying today. We like to study in the dark

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