
Monday, May 25, 2015

It. Is. Getting. So. HOT!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA LEE!!!! YOU ARE JUST THE BEST! and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY WHITTY BITTY! I JUST MISS YOU BOTH SO MUCH! You are just the best and I am so blessed to have you as my sister. I can't wait to give you more swirleys when I go home:) 

And now, a little review of the week I had

Monday- just the average Pday, we went shopping and spent $40 on groceries. Dang. We bought about 6 bags of granola and we've just been feasting on that. ALSO i found oreos!! $4 for a pack of 16. You best believe I did it anyway!

Tuesday- We visited this less active named "E". The bottom half of her body is paralyzed. She is just the sweetest lady ever. We got to sing hymns with her and she cried and that just makes your heart melt every time, amiright?

Wednesday- We had  this lesson that was at the branch with a former investigator from a few years ago. We were riding on  a tramvai to get to the branch for our lesson, while on the tramvai this young man about 21 years old started talking to us in english. He said "Hello, my name is "DM" and just last summer I met one of your elders named Elder Chriswell." Small world, right? So then we had to get off at our stop, and it just so happened to be his stop too. He kept talking to us about how he met the Elders, and about how he actually went to church once. Before we knew it, we were at the branch building and he was about to leave, but we invited him in to meet some members (institute was that night) while we waited for that former investigator to get to the branch. Long story short, that former investigator never ended up coming, and we were going to just head back home when "DM" asked "So what are all these people doing here tonight?" We explained that each wednesday the youth get together to talk about doctrine in our church. He said "Well, can I stay for 10 minutes?" We said sure! So we stayed with him. And get this: the topic was spiritual gifts, and the lesson was just so incredible, and 10 minutes went by, then 20, then 35, then 40, and then before we knew it we stayed the whole time. It was SO awesome to see how receptive he was to all the things that we discussed, and we invited him to come to church on sunday. Unfortunately, he couldn't come because of work, but he really wants to come soon.I just love how the Lord really does, like we discussed, bring people to us just as we are brought unto people. 

Thursday- Weekly planning. We set some super solid transfer goals and it's going to be way fun. I am super stoked. I have a goal to have more sincere prayers, and so far it's really going great! Just making that atmosphere so that the Spirit can help me pray has really made such a difference! We also did some slow contacting (slow because sister mckell is on a cane now haha so she hobbles around. We found an old babuyshka who had a cane too and we photographed them together. too dang funny.) anyway, it was great. I love all the parks here. ALSO IT FINALLY GOT HOT AGAIN!

Friday- Sister Dunn had a birthday! (the seinor couple) and so they invited us to birthday lunch at the RITZIEST RESTAURANT EVER!!!! I ate Shashlik, and chicken, and lamb, and i ate SOOO much, that I literally didn't eat the rest of the day. It was awesome. SO TASTY! Following that we had a lesson with "KR" the carzy gal on the Volga again. It was NUTS. because this day was the last day of the school year for all the kids from kidergarten to the 11th grade.  So it was just packed full of teens taking photos and just being rowdy and tanning. It was pretty fun. The lesson was good, we talked about honesty and how that's a characther of Christ. Then, We went to the clinic for sister mckells leg massage. hahaha oh man. I can't believe she has to get massages. The massus's name is Maxim and he is a nice guy, but it was just awkward because he had a hickey andt he day before, dhe didn't have one.... and then I dared sister mckell to ask him how to say hickey in russian but she didn't dare do it. It was pretty awkward. But it was okay because he ended up giving us some free lotion with the creepiest stuffed animal beaver on the front haha i'll send a photo.  Anyway, it was funny.  Then, after that, we went to this park that has the BIGGEST COOLEST FOUNTAIN that plays music. I have a sad confession. I love russian music. The top hits even. and it's all ghetto but it's fabulous and I can't wait to make you all listen! yo'ull love it too! At the park we sat on a bench, and this man was eating ice cream and we started talking to him. he is about 65 years old. Anyway, this is pretty funny. We were eating our treats at the park, and then while we are talking to him, he said "I am so thirsty, can I have some water?" I really didn't want to, but all i could think about was the good samaritan and then my dad's friend Steve Brooks. one time Steve was skiing with my dad when a fellow skier said to steve "HEY DUUUDE DO YOU HAVE CHAPSTICK MY LIPS ARE CHAPPED!" Then without hesitating, Steve gave the man his chapstick, the man put it on, and then gave it back to Steve and the man is grateful. Anyway, long story short I gave the man my water, and good thing because he "Water falled" it haha so it was good. Nice guy though, he was waiting for his grandson to finish his swimming lessons. We gave him the Book of Mormon and he promised to read it was pretty rad.

Saturday- We met with a potential named "M" who is methodist. He is SOOo cool he is from Nigeria and it was awesome because at the end of the lesson he said "You made some really good points. I've felt really good talking about these things with you." We told him it was the Spirit and that he can feel it all the time! He committed to pray about all the things that we talked about, and then to begin reading the Book of Mormon and he comitted soo cool. I just love seeing people feel the Spirit it's just the best. It makes all crappy times worth it!

Sunday- church. Me and sister mckell took an intermediate walk during church and it was just a beautiful day. I can't believe it's soooo hot again. I honestly forgot what the heat feels like. It was a beautiful day, and then the rest of church was awesome. We talked about charity a bunch which was good to talk about.

I am so sorry I am outta time. It was a great week. I encourage you all to read Alma 26 and think about how Ammon overcame discouragement. I know that we can overcome anything with the Lords help! I love Him. I know that as we testify to others and just share what we know as truth to all those around us, we can overcome discouragement. I know this is true. 

I love you all suh dang much! Have a happy happy week!

Love sissy T

so much meat 
the restaurant
building a temple
a cute restaurant on the Volga
bench sits
pretty park by our house

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