
Monday, December 15, 2014

Short letter home. No time so sorry

We had something really cool happen with that less active and his wife and their sons. We went over to their house. Guess who drank too?! "E". The dad. I was so ticked because he has been baptized and he knows better. When I smelled his breath I was like oh no... and then the spirit welled up within me and then the spirit started talking through me and really yelled at him.... haha.. but really I had no control over what I was saying. I was like ""E" you KNOW it's not okay to drink." he said yeah it is it's okay to drink only a little! I said no it's not. What kind of example you think you're setting for your sons? and then the oldest son named "R" who is 12 said "Yeah RIGHT dad you drink waaaayyyy more than just a little." So dang sad. Then "I" the wife came into the room and was like, "I try to get him to not do it." and I said "Look at your poor wife and your sons, they're all suffering for your actions."I then I explained you're not happy because you don't follow the commandments that God has given us. Anyway, then the discussion went into the kitchen when "I" pulled out of the oven this cheese pastry that she made (so dang tasty just gotta say. Big girl within me is comin out) We all started talking and oh my... "E" is just a hooligan. He is just one of the kids it's way funny bu also so immature because his poor wife who has the most kind soft spirit I have ever met is just suffering because he doesn't take things seriously. Well, the spirit filled the room and we started just talking about baptism which was really strange because usually we like lead into that topic but it just flowed from us and we talked about how Christ himself when he lived on the earth, established his gospel. He too was baptized to show us the way and set the example for all of us. The spirit was so strong, and you could see so clearly in "I"'s eyes that she was feeling the spirit and we invited her to be baptized and she said.......................................

........................."I'm not ready yet." But that was the best news of all because that means she has been thinking about it. We testified to her that if her sons got baptized, the worries she has for them about their future would all go away because she would know that they were on the right path and that it will bless their lives more than she could ever imagine. Well, that resonated in her heart for a good long while. Then "E" interrupted the spirit by laughing out loud and saying how "I" didn't understand a thing we says. He's really a silly guy. He used to be in the circus when he was younger and so he does flips and back bends all the time it' sway funny... but it's just so sad because his story is that he was a drunk and so "I" took the kids and left. He was homeless and had nothing at the time the missionaries found him. Well, he showed us the photo from his baptism and he said "yeah. Elder Bingham, he forgot about me." Pointing to the one that baptized him. It was really sad. But then he just went off about how Joseph Smith went digging for gold one day and then found the gold plates. hahahaha so inaccurate. Anyway, basically he's a kook and we just have to help him rebuild his testimony. He even openly said that he doesn't have a testimony anymore, so there is just so much work to be done. "I" his wife has been proveslovni her whole life and she even paints proveslovni Icons as her job, so there is a lot of work to be done. However, I know and she knows and sister mckell knows and Heavenly Father and Christ know that she felt the spirit that day and that the changes she seeks in like can be found in Jesus Christ and his only true church. She's just the best though, just the softest spirit you'll ever meet in your life, she just has a lot of hurt because of her drunken husband. Anyway, I have no doubt that she will be ready soon for baptism, and we are going to invite her two sons "R" and "S" to be baptized before the end of the year. I'll try to get a photo with them soon so you can see how cool they are. "R" plays the sax and "S" plays the thing that squidward plays (I can't remember what it's called right now haha) they're way good at it too. (Editor's Note: it's a clarinet she's referring to)

Anyway, cutest family, sweetest spirits. The Lord is pouring out his miracles on our mission and I am so grateful to be a part of it. I love you all so much!!!!

PS CONGRATS STEPH ON YOUR WEDDING! I love you gal. Tell Eddie welcome to the Twede family ha ha. Miss you all. Thanks your your support and love. 

Love Sissy T
decorated for christmas!
Big Christmas tree!

in the derevni
Morchik the cat

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