
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Week 6


 MAMA MAMA!!!! hearing your angelic voice was a real treat. I bawled like a baby when I hung up. You're just so special. you know what they say... 30 minutes just flies by when you're talking to your mom on the phone. EVERYBODY. MY MOM IS THE BEST! She hikes her pants up to her neck and waddles around speaking in the funniest voice ever. AND she stayed up with me until 3 every night just to be in each others company. and she is the most kind claud baud you could ever meet. I hope you had a happy mothers day mummy dear! love ewe. miss ewe. you really are an ANGEL! 

RUBY darling! Thanks so much for those DIVINE muffins and chocolate lollies. I ate them so fast. I only have one left. What did you do to those lemon cranberry ones? SO good. I was in heaven. AH so tasty. Thank you so much for being so thoughtful. I'm so jealous you got to talk to my hayd! But that's okay because we can spend every day talking together in 16 months. Time flies, holy cow. It sounds like your day was relaxing and full of fun. I am happy you got to talk to hayd. That boy sure loves you. I am happy you had a happy mothers day too! 

Okay folks...I CAN'T BELIEVE I LEAVE THE MTC IN THREE 1/2  (give or take) WEEKS. I fly out on june ninth. The fact that I will be living in Russia makes me so scared because I can't speak this language and I won't have english to rely on. I'm not ready to say goodbye to the friend's i've made here either. EYE YEY EYE!!! But it's okay, I know that heavenly father will help me with the language and help me find friends in russia if I just ask. I know he will answer our prayers if we just ask, and if we have  a sincere heart.

To answer questions: I live on main campus. I live on the main floor which is nice because I don't have to climb stairs. But maybe I wish I did because I have gained 4.5 lbs that would've never existed had I just climbed stairs. haha jk that wouldn't have prevented it. I'm not worried about weight though. seriously i'm not. Especially because my teacher bpat froelich was telling me at lunch the other day that he gained 10 pounds in the MTC and lost it all within the first two months of his mission in the Baltics. Crazy! and scary. I'm so excited to smother all my food in mayonaise and sour cream. Talk about DELISH! They eat this stuff called hollidyet all the time, which is basically pig fat made into a jello with random surprise chunks of meat from strange places. SERVED COLD! GAGALICIOUS, am i right?

Well, I am having a difficult time with sister G again. We had to come up with questions in class the other day and we had to answer them. Her question was "why is christ so important?" and so i went off about how the savior atoned for not only our sins, but so that we could feel love and comfort. The spirit was really strong too. And then I tied in D&C 68:6 which is my favorite scripture. And then my teacher bpat holt was like "do you think sister twede did a good job answering your question?" and she said, "No." and I looked at bpat holt's face when she said no (I tell my teachers everything. They know the rough patches I've had with sis g) and he got THE most uncomfortable look on his face. like big eyed and scared HAHAHAH i won't lie it was hilarious. I started to lol. I've gotten to the point that when she is mean it's just funny to me. She has been going to counseling which helps her be open, and apparently she needs to talk to me tonight? BRACE YOURSELVES! I hope it goes okay. I hope I don't start laughing when she rants because it's so hard to hold back the LOL'S!

GUESS WHAT.. WE HAD ANOTHER. ANOTHER APOSTLE COME AND SPEAK TO US LAST NGIHT! Elder L. Tom Perry. It was a testimony to me that Heavenly Father does hear our prayers and he wants to help us. All yesterday, I had a prayer in my heart that I would receive inspiration as to how to learn to love sister G and how to better our companionship. When Perry started speaking about the importance of befriending your companions and just loving each other and trusting is one of the most important aspects of missionary work, i knew that my prayer was being answered. Without love there is no spirit. With no spirit, nobody can feel the love and joy this gospel brings. Anyway, It was cool. I just need to continue being kind even when I want to speak my mind. I just need to be christ-like, and just be patient the times she is mad, and know that heavenly father will bless me for my patience, and also work on her. Anyway, enough of that. Life is good! I promise. and you'll be proud to know that.... (drumroll)

I sang in the choir. ALTO BROTHERS AND SISTERS. We sang nearer my God to thee and boy oh boy it was so powerful! It's just so easy to feel the spirit when you are singing sweet sweet praises.

FAMILY. my bff teacher sister gish wanted to know if she could come visit you guys? She just loves to chat and be friends with her missionary friend's families. She wants to come visit you guys. The only way you can contact her though is if you add her on facebook and then just message her on there. I would love if you met with her because she's seriously the best. I have THE best teachers here. Add her on facebook mom! please I promise you won't be disappointed! her name is Kelsey Gish. AHHH I love her!!! I can't wait for you to meet her! 

ALSO.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR GRANDFATHER MY ANGEL PRECIOUS OH MY I WANNA SQWEEEEEEEUZE YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! (on saturday) OH i can't believe you are 80! You could be 20. I can't wait to give you two birthday squeezes that I missed out on while I am gone! OH you're the cutes. I hope you have the best day. Thanks gma and gpa for the money and the card last week. I cried. I miss you and grandma so much. love you and pray for you both! 

Tell gma lee thanks for the card! that stationary was hilarious. I hope she's having a blast on her cruise! love her.

GEO THANKS FOR THE PACKAGE! I love the oreos and hot cheetos and mints and WHOOPIE CUSHIONS! I am putting them to good use. I love a good prank. Thanks for thinking of me. i can't believe agg gets home so soon. Love that cousin of mine. And all my other cousins of mine too!

I pray for you all always. I love you SO much. I can't wait to send you all russian postcards. and I can't wait to get oreos in the mail because bens job gets 80% off mailing packages!! wooooweeee!! haha Seriously.. You are all so thoughtful and kind. MY CLAIRE IS THE CUTES!!! i can't believe I am missing her teeth coming in! She cries at frozen songs. hahahah i do too. That movie isn't the best. I cried because I was let down. haha nah i didn't cry but i would with my claireance. She knows what's good in life. Give her a huge kiss and hug for me! miss that squish. 

I miss you all. I love you all. I pray for you all. And I feel your prayers for me! Thanks for keeping me uplifted. I feel so blessed to be here. MOM/DAD sometime soon could you maybe get some photos of our family printed? and some photos of my artwork. Apparently russians love to see your family and love art so I would love to share them the photos. 

Thanks you're all such angels. AH i love you all. I can't believe you're all my people. Love you forever, thanks for all you do! I will send photos in a little bit!

POKA! (bye) - cectpa hailey

eating oreos like fatty's 20 minutes before dinner time. I love sister kline.
 eating hot cheetos with sister kline. haha we are so nasty
 My precious! my hermana mackey came over for a visit on sunday!
  Opening ruby and jon's package!
The day sister mackey left at the temple. love her and sister kline

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