
Thursday, April 2, 2015

"VT" GOT BAPTIZED/ See you later Balakova!

Guess who got transfer calls? THIS GAL! Guess what happened? We were sitting there, waiting for Sister Martinez to get news that she is leaving Balakova, but guess what? SHE ISN'T. I AM! hahahahaha Oh my word it was so unexpected. She will be staying here, and it'll be her 5th cycle here. And a sister that is russian is going to be her companion. The real question is..... where am I going?


That's right, I'm going to the BIIIIIIG CITY SAMARA!!!!! I am soooo stoked outta my mind! I can't even tell you. Guess who my companion is? SISTER MCKELL!!!! Gotcha. You thought I meant my companion in Penza sister McKell. Well, there is another sister in the mission named sister McKell hahaha but I am still sooo stooooked because she is just a dream and we are already good friends. I was able to talk to her over the phone the other day and tell her that she better be ready because I fart a lot. hahaha she laughed and said, I already know... sister McKell (my old companion) told me! Anyway, I am so stoked for my new adventures in the big city. I will be in the heart of the mission, in an area called Aurora. Guess what? We write home at a senior couples home and their names are the Dunns and they're just nuts. Haha a lot of people have a hard time with them because they just talk and talk and just aren't street smart, but it's okay because they're so funny. Also, I was told that they feed us lunch too so I am stoked about that... I am always hungry, and that's just the truth. But the bad thing is, is because they talk sooooo much, apparently it takes like 4 hours or 5 to write home. I'm kinda bummed because I love pday and getting things done, but now that'll change, but it'll be good anyway.It just feels right. It was just interesting because sister Schwab called to tell us our transfers, and she said "Sister Twede we actually thought that you were going to stay in Balakova, but that is not what the Lord wanted, he  needs you here in Samara and Sister Martinez in Balakova. It was really cool, and it really did just feel right. I am super sad to leave Balakova. I really love it here but I just know that I have done all that I needed to do here, and I am so grateful. I witnessed a TON of miracles, and I have seen a lot of growth in myself too. I LOVE this special little city! I already miss the members and all the silly people on the streets. I will especially miss Valentina......

Who is "VT" you ask? AHHHH oh my goodness I'll tell you. There is a member here in Balakova named “NS”. She is just a hoot. She never breathes because she is always just talking. She got baptized 16 years ago, and ever since then has been teaching her mom and telling her ALL about the gospel, all the depths of it. Her mom's name is “VT”. She is 76 years old and she is the TINIEST porcelain doll you'd ever see. She knows the bible inside out, and reads the Book of Mormon EVERY day. She came to church by herself for 9 weeks in a row, the whole time that I have been here in Balakova. We would ask her to meet with us and she would say no, I don't have time. Well, guess what? She finally agreed to having us over, and we taught her the restoration and invited her to be baptized and she said no, she won't be ready. Well, this was bad because she is going to live on her Dacha (summer home) until october, and won't be back in Balakova. She also takes care of her 86 year old friend named “MS”, because his kid's don't take care of him. Well, we prayed and prayed, and went back over on tuesday, invited her to be baptized on saturday ,and she said YES!!! sooo dang cool!!!

This week, I feel that it was a week of focusing my faith on/in Christ. I felt my prayers were more sincere and I really felt like an instrument in the Lord's hands. I know that “VT’s” baptism was not a result of anything we did, it was all the Lord! He is the best! I think this past week was really incredible for several reasons. This week, I had several doubts and fears, worrying that “VT” would back out of her baptism date because she didn't feel ready. It was interesting, because even up until the day of her baptism, she said "I still haven't received an answer if I need to be baptized or not." We promised her, that all good things come from God, and that baptism is good and it is of God, and that she will definitely receive an answer when she is baptized. Well, Saturday came, and she was baptized and it was just such a miracle! To hear her cute testimony after she had been baptized really just touched my heart and helped me to realize that this mission, and all that comes with it, it so worth it. The joy I felt is SO indescribable! I can't describe it, but I am just so grateful. Her baptism would have never happened if it weren't for Christ touching and softening her heart. After her baptism, as we were leaving the Russkaya Banya, (like a sauna where we do the baptisms) she said "I feel it! I feel so pure and cleansed. I feel the Spirit!" It was so AWESOME!! It really strengthened in the Savior. I love Him.

It was so fun to work so hard with Sister Martinez and preparing lessons. I love it. We were over at “’VT’s” house every day preparing her for baptism. Each time we went over, you could see her testimony growing and growing. On Tuesday, when we invited her to be baptized on Saturday, she sat in silence, looking at the ground, while were were praying our hearts out, and to our surprise she perked up, about jumped up outta her seat and said with the biggest smile on her face "YES! I will be baptized!" It was the coolest moment. The best moment was seeing her be baptized though. I just think of our mission call letters which say something like "Be prepared to feel the most joy you will ever feel which comes by serving the Lord." My mind goes back to that and now I understand what that means. I have felt so much joy, and I thank the Lord for it. I will continue to pray for it as I go into my new area. I am sooo excited and soo nervous all at the same time! . I am so grateful for being able to witness the miracle of “VT” getting baptized! I just LOVE that lady, she is so special. It was so funny too because when we taught her the plan of salvation, she actually taught it to us. She knows so much, and her Spirit has definitely been being prepared for years. She is so pure and kind. What a miracle. She even cried when she said goodbye to me. I cried more though, I really love her a lot. 

 I can't believe that soon, I only have 6 months left. I feel like I just barely got here! I remember serving with sister McKell in penza when she only had 6 months left, and now she is HOME! WHAT!? SO SAD! it was good though, because I was able to talk to her on the phone for a while yesterday, and also with sister Coleman. I will miss them so much, but I know I will be seeing them soon. They really are my best pals on the mission! I CAN"T wait for you to meet them! Time just flies. It is a good reminder to never take any moment for granted, even the really crappy moments. I am grateful for those, because they help me get closer to the Lord!

This work is real people. I know the Lord leads it. I don't know how He does it, but He does! Prepare your mind for conference because there are some really important messages that will be shared especially for you. I love you all, please keep your heads up high high high! Thanks for your support and for your prayers. Love you so dang much! But Christ loves you more, and that's something to smile about, because I love you soooo much and that means He loves you even more.

MIss you all &


Love, Sissy T :)

last time at LENTA the best store ever.
you best believe i had a photoshoot with Lenta.

me and "SV"
Us with "VT" getting ready for her baptism
We ate sushi all week long

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