
Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Hey friends! AND GRANDPARENTS I love you so much. I heard you fell papa dale :( I hope that you feel better soon! Grandma Jane you're a dream I love you. Grandma lee you are looking FAB you beautiful lady. LOVE YOU.

I guess you could say I'm trunky for my grandparents. ^.^ Give yourselves a huge hug from this gal.

And even if you're not my grandparents, give yourselves a huge hug from me too. Because I love you.

This week the biggest miracle happened..Okay, so we have had the great opportunity of attacking the area books. The giant giant giant area books since sister McKell's ankle is broken. Anyway, a few nights ago, we called this woman named "M". She was just SO nice. There was a teaching record for her, which showed us that she has never been taught any of the lessons. (biggest pet peeve of my life when missionaries make teaching records for people that they haven't ever met with. OH it just makes me cringe! Haha) All it said, was that she is 36, believing, is a realtor, and that the sisters that met her gave her the book of Mormon, and that she was really grateful to get it. Well, that was three years ago, and we called her, and she INSTANTLY agreed to meeting with us! It really was amazing. We met at the Dunn's home (the senior couple), and started out our lesson with that new video "because he lives" and that just brought the spirit into the lesson. It was really interesting because the first question that she asked us after the film was "So tell me. Why are you here in Russia?" We explained to her that we share an amazing message about Jesus Christ and about how He leads His church through a living prophet. Then she had SO many questions. "Who is the prophet today?" and "How do you know he's the prophet?" and "How does anyone know that Thomas Monson is the prophet?, and how does Thomas Monson even know he's the prophet?" we said we would explain it ALL to her. We taught her the restoration, talked about how Moses even had a difficult time remembering that he really was the prophet. We explained that Christ himself appeared to Moses and called him to be the prophet, and that Moses' friends like Aaron had to always remind Moses that he really was worthy and that he was in fact the prophet. We then testified that God called another prophet, namely Joseph Smith. The spirit was SO strong. We told her that she too can know he was a prophet, and that Thomas Monson is the prophet in our day through sincere prayer. She committed to praying about it, and she also committed to begin reading the book of Mormon, and then to ask God if our church is the only true church, and if she needs to be baptized into His church. She really really did feel the Spirit, and she had that light in her eyes as she promised to do so. It was incredible! Moments like these kind always make the crappy days sooooo worth it. After the lesson she said to us, "AHHH I just want to always be with you girls." We said you can be! Come to church! I wanted to say "we'll adopt you and we can be eternal sisters, but I restrained. Haha jk I didn't want to say that GOTCHA. It really was so incredible, and she was just asking us when WE could meet next! It's just the best. Really, it was such an incredible miracle, and she is definitely prepared. EEEE EEEEE exciting things are happening here in samara.

I was also able to go on splits with a member from Novokay named “MA”. She is that little angel that braided my hair in those photos from last week. It was such a great time. We went and saw a potential at her work, and she actually began reading the book of Mormon! It was awesome and she said that she is really interested. (the potential) Miracles everywhere! Left and right. I just can't get over it. We also met with one of our taxi drivers too. It was a great lesson, but he just kept falling asleep. We understood though, because he worked alllll night the night before We will just have to meet with him again when he isn't so tired.

We also had a sweet meeting with “TA” and AHHH she is just a dime. We watched the restoration movie and she loved it. She just didn't understand why she needs to be baptized into this church since she was already baptized. She said "I feel like I have enough." What do you tell people when that happens to you? All we could tell her is that she rea`lly doesn't have enough, and that we will never ever have "Enough" because there is always more and more knowledge of Christ we get to learn about for the rest of our lives. Then she said "I just don't get it. What will be different WHEN I get baptized into your church?" SOOOO COOL! She said WHEN and then, in the taxi ride home after the lesson, she said it to me again "When I am baptized what will be different?" I told her that she will find out as she continues reading the book of Mormon, and keep meeting with us. Then she said "When can we meet again?" SHe is just getting it! I am just so stoked for her. She really is a gem. PROGRESS!!! The Lord is really softening peoples hearts BIG time.

I had a nice study this morning. I read the lyrics from that hymn, where can I turn for peace. And I just love the part in the song when it says that only He (Christ) can understand me (that's how it is in Russian) . It is SO true. I know the times I feel really frustrated, and that nobody understands, Christ always does. There are some really interesting verses about the peace that Christ gives us in Hebrews 4: 14-16. I'll just paraphrase those:

14) Seeing then, that we have Jesus Christ, who has passed into the Heavens, let us hold fast to our profession.
15)For we have NOT a high priest, who cannot sympathize with our frailties and imperfections, for He too was tempted even as we are BUT He was without sin. (this confused me a bit, then I understood it as Christ sympathizes with our frailties and imperfections, for he too was tempted but gave no heed to those temptations.) He's already walked the paths of stress and sorrow, the same that we walk on!
16)Let us therefore come BOLDLY unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

I know that is true. I know that Christ really can sympathize with me because he has felt my weaknesses. Just like the sons of mosiah, their weaknesses and trials weren't taken away, but they were given strength to bear their burdens with ease. This really has brought me a lot of peace. In Alma the Lord says to them "bear with patience thine afflictions (or hard things... or callings.. or problems at work, with family, problems with ourselves...) and I will give unto you success. I will give unto peace.

CHRIST IS THE KEY TO PEACE, THE KEY TO SUCCESS, AND THE ANSWER TO EVERY QUESTION. Please, I am over here standing on a dang soap box just shouting to you through the monitor HE IS ALWAYS WITH YOU! Just turn to Him! I know that he is just itching to give us all peace, all we have to do is ask.

Christ is the best, and this is His work. I know it more and more each day. I love my mission, and I love the Lord. This church is true. Have the happiest week and know I'm thinkin' of YOU!

Love Sissy T

splits with "M" she's a dream
the views

We cleaned out the fridge at the senior couples house and there was fudge in there, so we made "K" this member get rid of it in the toilet. HAHA it was actually pretty funny.

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