
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Womens Day

GUESS WHAT? Today is my 11 month mark. Next month I'll be out for a year, isn't that nuts? Time is flying incredibly fast it freaks me right out.

Today I read a talk by russel m nelson from conference october 2013. He said that when we fast, we understand God's power, and we are then able to receive His power. Such a cool thing. Then he just went on about how when we don't keep God's commandments, we don't know of His power. It's just so true that we are more free when we keep the commandments, and not only free, but we come to know God's power. Really really incredible. Want to hear something funny? This lady I met the other day just called us and invited us over for today, and she said "Come at 2! I invited the jehovahs witnesses too, i thought it'll be interesting." hahahaha I just had to laugh because it sounds like my worst nightmare. They're good people, but they just like to argue. We told her we can't today, so boom there you go dodgin' bullets left and right hahaha.

We went on exchanges with SISTER COLEMAN! I love her and it was like therapy being with her. I really needed to just be with her. I love her so much, and she really is one of my best friends of my life. She goes home in two weeks I just want to cry because she's taking sister mckell home with her. Crying a river over here. My two best friends!, Anyway, while on exchanges sister martinez and coleman met this lady named "M" on the streets. She invited them over for the next day, and gave them her address. We went over the next day, and it was really incredible. We sat down with her, and she said "Alright girls, teach me." First time ever someone has been really willing to listen, and who understands what we do while we're here. We taught the restoration, and she said "It just makes sense!" Do you know what the craziest part is? We were a little late for that appointment because I had a biiiiiiiig break down earlier (that's another story) and when we got there, she said "The Jehovas Witnesses came to my house today, and I thought it was you girls when they knocked! They gave me this." Then she held up a brochure they gave her. Satan is working double time on "M" because he knows that she is prepared, willing, and ready to hear the Gospel. Well, we taught her the restoration. I was really worried because I always get nerves when we teach, but then I said a little prayer and asked the Lord to just speak for me, and really soften "M's heart and it was incredible because He did! He softened her heart! AND he spoke for me. 

She committed to reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it. We invited her to be baptized, but she said she needs an answer. It was a great lesson, and it is just so much easier to just put everything on the Lord and just be His instruments. Only HE can work miracles. I am constantly reminded that I am nothing but an instrument in His hand's and it makes the load lighter. That is how it is supposed to be. Just rely on the Lord, and everything will work out how it is supposed to. The big cry story...I had a really big cry on thursday. I was just really frustrated for so many things. I feel like there has been a gray cloud between me and Sister Martinez. I don't know why it's just been really rough but it has been. We had a really really long talk about everything, and I had a good long cry, and it really helped our companionship a lot I feel. I feel like we are a lot more open with each other now and it just felt good to talk everything out. I really do love her though, she's just so soft, a soft little mexican blanket. 

Last week I told you about that former investigator from 8 years ago named "VL", the 18 year old. It's truly been amazing to see how the Lord has been working on her and really softening her heart. This week was really great too! On monday, we invited her to the family home evening held at a members home here in Balakova.  It was soooo coooool! The spiritual thought/lesson was about family history. We all went around and said our mom's names. We then went around and told stories of our mom's moms. It was a great topic! But I noticed that "VL" looked a bit sad. Her mom passed away in September and so I think it was just pretty hard for her, but she sat with a smile on her face and just felt the spirit. After family home evening, we were waiting for a bus and "VL" said to us "It's really great that I met you girls the other night. It's just crazy because every time that I have a hard time in my life all these years, my mind goes back to your church." SO AWESOME!!! And it's just so evident that when she went to church all those years ago, she really felt the spirit and it really did touch her life. We told her that it really was a big miracle that we met each other, and that God loves her, that he's proud of her, and that her mom is happy for her. Then guess what happened? On Saturday night, we invited her to come to church with us. She responded to our text "I was already going to come by myself, but let's go together!" IT WAS SO GREAT! Especially because it was women's day in Russia yesterday and holidays here make people have excuses... really ridiculous excuses sometimes, but it was no excuse, and she came to church anyway. She loved it. Sacrament meeting was great, the talks were about how we can strengthen our relationship with the Lord, and how we can communicate with Him. Sunday school's topic was the law of chastity... which was good but I was really worried because she lives with her boyfriend, and so I didn't really know how she was going to take the message that was being taught, but then I remembered that she already knows all of this! That's the great part, is that all the people that we teach, they all already know the gospel, they have just forgotten it when they came to earth. But especially "VL", she actually really was taught about the law of chastity at a young age! She really enjoyed the lesson. She didn't get to stay for the last hour, relief society because she had some things to do, but when she was leaving she said "I really don't want to leave! I just have a lot to do." Then she said to us, "So, tomorrow, family home evening? I'll be there!" SHE is the best. I love her so much. She even bought me a yellow rose and gave me chocolate for womens day! She's just a dang treat. I gave her chocolate and earrings. Definitely one of my best friends over here.  I can't wait until she gets baptized one day EEEEEE ^.^

Womens day is a huuuuge holiday here in Russia. All the women everywhere have flowers in their hands, and everyone just eats and has huge feasts. We had a lesson with the member "N" who is handicapped's mom "SH" last night. She had this HUGEEEE feast and the yummiest yummiest piroshki which are bread filled with potatoes and onion and cabbage (so tasty i'll make them for you when we get home) and everything tasty you could ever dream of was there. It was a great lesson, we read that article from the March liahona about Christ's respect for women. It was especially awesome, because "SH's neighbor "VY" was over celebrating with them, and she got to be part of the lesson too. Her heart was really softened and she took the book of mormon and wanted the liahona so we gave it to her. it was soooo great and I love love LOVE womens day. I definitely want to celebrate it in america, so mark that on your calendar for next year! March 8th, 2016 womens day. There is also men's day in february, on february 23rd. 

We had a branch activity on saturday, and all just celebrated both those holidays together. We sang russian songs and drank tea and ate cookies. It was a good time, and russians are just sooo funny when they celebrate holidays because they always say "Congratulations! I wish you happiness, health, love, a handsome husband, lots of kids, and joy." Without fail. To anything, they will tell you that and I love it. They're just the silliest friends over here.

ALLLLL outta time over here. Things are great. Transfers in two weeks, I have no idea what will happen. I love this area and I love these people. I hope that this week that you just take a second and think of Christ. Really think of all He has done for you. You will feel his love really strong, and your week will be happy. Serve others, say hi to strangers, and just laugh at all the crappy moments because all these crappy moments will pass and they always ALWAYS make us stronger, I know it, because I live it, and I love it. There is so much good in life. This church is the truth people, I know it. Pray so you can know it too. Even if you already know, ask again, and help those that don't know. This is true and I LOVE YOU ALL!

Love SISSY hayster

flowers from "VL"
sooo sleepy
big random hole in the ground
smart cat at the eternal flame keeping warm
"A" made us things to wash ourselves in the shower with. 
I'll take the hint, you think i'm smelly. 
Haha creepy plastic loofas. Love this lady

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