
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My lil' "VK"

Wild week over here..... But before any of that.....

ERIN AND DYLAN I LOVE YOU GUYS! I can't believe you're getting married. I just want to squeeze you both! I'm super stoked for you both. 

This week... where to begin..... Me and sister Martinez got transfer calls, and we will be together another 6 weeks in balakova! And Sissy M is now a sister training leader, so we get to go on exchanges with the sisters in Saratov which means.... I'LL GET TO SEE MY MOM SISTER COLEMAN and work with her one last time before she heads home!!! SOOO stoked. I miss that lady. 

So we had a lesson this week with the new convert “SV’s” parents. Their names are “L” and “G”. They are so dang funny and so dang old. We knew that we were going to their house for the lesson, but somehow we just "forgot" that we were walking to their house. We took the long way, and when we realized it we were like... "Well... alright let's just go the long way." We went the long way, and we saw this lady watching us from a really far distance. We get closer and say hi, and then she gestures to us that she is deaf. The first thing she said to us was "I believe in God!" She spoke really well for being a deaf woman. So, what did we do? We just wrote down what we wanted to say to her. We said that we are from our church and that the Book of mormon is true and that Jesus Christ loves us and that we can learn more about Christ as we read the Book of Mormon. She smiled and said thank you soooo much. She took the book, and then just went back into her apartment door. We asked her if we could come over and see her sometime, and she said no. But that's just too bad because now we know where she lives and she even told us which floor she lives on, just not the door. Her name is “T”.  She was a little miracle and it was really so cool just to know that we didn't just "coincidentally forget" that we were wakling to ”L” and “’G”s house, but that it really was directed by the Spirit, because the Lord really needed her to have the book of mormon. I just love when that happens it's just the best.

SOMETHING SAD: Ugh my heart. Such a bummer. Yesterday we were at branch council after church. “SH”, the 15 year old new convert hasn't been to church in quite a while as well. We texted her and she just wouldn't answer us. We were at church, and a young member named “N” was talking to "SH" on facebook. ("N" is the biggest brat but it's hilarious and i love her.) Then, "N" showed us her conversation she was having with "SH". "SH" sent a message to "N" that she stopped reading her scriptures and praying, and she didn't give a reason why. We were really heart broken. We feel really bad because we feel that there was so much more that we could have done to prevent this from happening. The worst part is, is after church we called "SH" and she acted like everything is fine over the phone. We don't know what is going on, but we know it's just Satan and he's REALLY getting annoying. I don't really know what it is we can to do help "SH". We have set up meetings to teach the following baptism lessons, but they always fall through, or she just can't make it. So we will just keep hoping on, having faith that it'll all work out. 

SOMETHING COOL: Guess whose back in the picture? THAT'S RIGHT! "O" AND "VK"! Do you remember when I told you about the new convert named "V", his family? "VK" his little sister who prayed for the first time when we were with her and it was just really amazing? Well..... they're back!!! So "V"..He is the 23 year old who lives with his mom and his little 12 year old sister. He stopped answering our phone calls. It's really sad and we're worried about him a little bit because he hasn't been at church lately. It's been frustrating because he is our only way to meeting with his mom and his little sister "VK". Both His mom "O" and his sister, "VK", were on date for baptism in December. "O" never gave us her number, just told us to call "V" to get a hold of her. Well, we tried that so many times but "V" had a new excuse every time as to why we couldn't go meet with his mom. A while ago, sister martinez and I made "VK" a prayer calendar and asked her to pray every day, and she did so. So we promised her a prize and so we wanted to take it to her! Sister Martinez and I finally decided to just go over anyway without talking to "V", just to see how they were doing and to take them a treat and "VK"'s prize. We went over last night, and "O" invited us in! It was really cool. We followed up on prayer, and the Spirit just took over. "O" opened up to us and told us about the problem that is going on in their family. She told us that the apartment in which they live right now, is owned by her husband and they are currently going through a divorce and it's just been really hard for them. We read 3 nephi 17:17 with them, and explained to them that Christ prays for them. We testified of how Christ is completely aware of our lives and all of our situations, then we were bold with them. We said, ""O", we know that when we come over you feel lighter and you feel happier." (she nodded in agreement) then we continued "So we want to come over, and we want to come over often, and we want to share our message with you which will bring you more joy than you com comprehend in this moment." She then said "let me give you my number." It was such a miracle! Especially because "VK" is just ready for baptism. When she comes to church she just gets it and is so mature and attentive for an 11 year old. One of our members who teaches primary, told us that once at church when "VK" came, she answered every question really spiritually and she just really is prone to spiritual things. Isn't that amazing? We are STOKED so so so so so so stoked to start teaching them on a frequent basis.  AHH my little "VK" is just the best I just want to squeeze her! 

SOMETHING FUNNY: We were contacting on a bus, and every SINGLE PERSON just shut us down. Haha it's always really funny when that happens, but of course it kinda hurts too. Well, there were these two 25 year old (ish) boys sitting across from us on their phones. When they got off at their bus stop, we gave them cards and told them to look up our churc's website. They said thanks, then got off the bus. Well, this is the funniest part. The next night, saturday, we had our english group. Following english group, we got on a bus to go home and two of the boys that come to our english group too got on the bus with us. Well, guess what? We were all on the bus, and there were just people everywhere, and then “D” (the one who has me on his screensaver) just started laughing sooooo hard. We asked him what what what what!? So then, he gave us his phone, and showed us what he was laughing at. So it was on this site called contacti... the russian facebook. And guess what he was laughing at? SOMEBODY TOOK A PICTURE OF US WHILE WE WERE CONTACTING ON THE BUS AND GUESS WHAT?! It was those two 25 year old punks. hahahahahahahaha the caption was the best part though "Has anybody else seen these american girls? Every babushka runs away from them." hahaha it was hilarious. The picture of us is sooo ugly hahaha oh my word. But the best part is that they took another picture of our card which has the address to our branch building on the back of it, so we were like.... "SWEET!" Now all the people that see that can come to our branch. hahaha it was so awesome and so strange and I felt violated and spied on but also flattered and stoked all at the same time haha. 

I hate to end there, but I gotta jet. Headed to Samara then to Latvia. Vis trips woooo! Let's all cross our fingers that I don't get detained again.... SO much anxiety, amiright? Well, I hope that you have the best week! LOVE YOU ALL!

Love, Sissy T

A little goodie from last monday
Also.. Russians nail creepy stuffed animals in their trees aaaaaallll the time. 
And they paint cute things on their domes
This building said forbidden territory so of course i just had to get a photo there. RIOT
Me with "N" a new member. She's just a treat

Looking at old photos drinking chai cookies and treats
District photo. Saying goodbye to edler Garlick! (far right) Such a pal. He's headed home to America. Also, that guy with the glasses is "V", "VK"'s brother.
Had a fun night working with our cute "VL" last night! She's so solid. 
Love her. She's a member here in Balakova
HAHAHA oh my gosh. This new investigator we have named "A". She and I have the same mole. Well, she gave us this comic book of bible stories... and this one is HILARIOUS. It says "Glory to God, I can walk!" Funnier in Russian though. Also, Jesus has red hair.
Me petting the cutest little friend named Golden look at her little ears!

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